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Кыттааччы ырытыыта:HalanTul

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Деятельность пользователя

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Здравствуйте, вы можете проверить деятельность пользователя (ырытыы) 12:17, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]

Он в викиотпуске, оскорбление скрыто, языка своей республики не разумеешь, что ли? 12:32, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]
А вам не все ли равно? Что вы делаете в сахавикипедии? Modun (ырытыы) 12:42, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]
Мне не всё равно, потому что я не упущу возможности лишний раз попенять на ваш косяк.
А делаю я тут ровно то, чем, как вы думаете, занимаетесь вы: навожу порядок. А своими действиями вы вынудили меня помимо этого устроить провокацию в одной из статей. 12:45, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]
"Этот участник выступает за обязательное использование буквы «ё» в русском языке"
Также этот участник: "а вам не всЕ ли равно" 12:47, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]
Что вы делаете в сахавики? Modun (ырытыы) 13:01, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]
А что вы делаете вне пределов украины? 13:02, 5 От ыйын 2024 (UTC)[хоруй]

Уважаемый коллега,

  1. На русский язык переведены материалы Мета-Вики инициатив Развитие потенциала сообщества и Организационное развитие.
  2. БашВики: Проведение Вики-Сабантуя 2015 в Уфе способствовало расширению кругозора и контактов наших башкирских коллег. Далее, одобрение Фондом Викимедиа их заявки на официальное признание Башкирской группы участников Викимедиа их буквально окрылило. Они активно проводят Вики-встречи, участвовали в Вики-месячнике, посвященном Азии, отметились на IV Всемирном конгрессе башкир, 15 декабря стартует их месячный новогодний марафон. Следующий крупный проект на горизонте - мартовский недельный Вики-семинар в партнёрстве с ВМРУ, Фондом Викимедиа и организациями Республики Башкортостан. Коллеги даже wmru:Проект:Викимания в России предлагают организовать в Уфе.
  3. УдмВики: В Ижевске прошла конференция в честь 10-летия Удмуртской Википедии
  4. Доступна для перевода на языки народов России (и не только) страничка m:Wikimedia Russia (кроме английского и русского, уже имеются татарский и украинский варианты), следующий этап - wmru:Викимедиа:Многоязычность.

Это первый новостной выпуск проекта Проект:Разделы Википедии на региональных языках России, у него пока нет постоянной площадки и он распространяется самиздатом - для начала администраторам, данные о которых можно найти посредством этой таблицы (в ближайшее время будет переведена на Мета-Вики). Также смотрите ru:Проект:Разделы Википедии на региональных языках России/Новости/Архив и m:Расскажите нам о вашей Википедии. --Frhdkazan (ырытыы) 07:23, 12 Ахсынньы 2015 (UTC)[хоруй]

Отличное начинание! Поделюсь с коллегами. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 23:14, 12 Тохсунньу 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Уважаемый коллега,

"Большое спасибо всем и каждому, кто вносит свой вклад в развитие разделов Википедии на языках России от имени всех участников движения Викимедиа. Ваши усилия способствуют сохранению нематериального культурного наследия планеты, а также достижению идеалов Фонда Викимедиа и уставных целей российской национальной организации НП «Викимедиа РУ».
В этом выпуске:

  1. 15 января участники Движения Викимедиа во всём мире отмечают 15-летие Википедии – посмотрите проект пресс-релиза об этом.
  2. m:Wikimedia Russia теперь также и на башкирском и на саха (якутском)! Какой будет следующим?
  3. Фонд Викимедиа инициировал процесс обновления Викимании.
  4. На английский язык переведены материалы Заглавной страницы ru.wikimedia.org. Двигаемся дальше...
  5. Приложение Википедия на Андроид с добавленной интерактивной картой признано Лучшим Приложением 2015 г.
  6. У этой рассылки появилась своя площадка! Теперь есть где познакомиться с сутью проекта и управлять своей подпиской.
  7. Вносите вклад в несколько проектов Викимедиа? Хотите отслеживать связанные изменения? Появился удобный инструмент!
  8. Теперь для анализа трендов и выявления лучших практик используются данные Викимедиа проекта «Статистика».
  9. Участники ТатВики из Казани запустили проект Вики-встречи в конце месяца.
  10. Готовы поделиться своими новостями или опытом? Здорово! Смело добавляйте ссылку в следующий выпуск!

Также смотрите ru:Проект:Разделы Википедии на региональных языках России/Новости/Архив и m:Расскажите нам о вашей Википедии.

Первоначальный список доставки данного информационного бюллетеня сформирован вручную на базе публичных данных, доступных через соответствующую таблицу, однако он открыт для вступления всех желающих. Чтобы получать данный ежемесячный бюллетень на страницу в вашем личном пространстве или на один из форумов (одну из досок объявлений) вашего раздела, пожалуйста добавьте соответствующие данные в разделы ниже. Чтобы отписаться, просто удалите их из списка.

Dear colleague,

"Great thanks of all Wikimedia movement participants goes to each and everyone who contributes into developing Wikipedias in the languages of Russia. Your efforts support preservation of Intangible cultural heritage of humanity, as well as achieving the Vision of Wikimedia Foundation and Charter objectives of the Russian national Wikimedia chapter.
In this issue:

  1. On January 15 Wikimedia movement participants around the world are celebrating 15th anniversary of Wikipedia – take a look at the draft press-release about it.
  2. m:Wikimedia Russia is now also available in Bashkir and in Sakha! Will your language team be the next one to join our efforts?
  3. Wikimedia Foundation initiated Wikimania renewal process.
  4. ru.wikimedia.org homepage materials are now available in English. Our multilingualism project is moving further...
  5. Wikipedia Android app, now with interactive map, named a Best App of 2015
  6. This newsletter now has its own homepage! You can now learn about the essence of the project and manage own subscription.
  7. Contributing into a number of Wikimedia projects? Want to track related changes? New convenient tool just for that!
  8. Trend analysis and best practices discovery is now based on Wikimedia project «Statistics data».
  9. Tatar Wikipedia participants from Kazan have launched End-of-the-month Wikimeetups project.
  10. Ready to share own news or valuable experience? Great! Be bold - add a link into the next month issue!

See also ru:Проект:Разделы Википедии на региональных языках России/Новости/Архив and m:Tell us about your Wikipedia.

Original delivery list for this newsletter is generated manually from publicly available data accumulated in and accessible through respective table, but anyone is welcome to join in. To receive this monthly bulletin into your personal talk page or that of one of the community pages in your language edition, please use the following syntax to add delivery target address in the subsections below. To unsubscribe, just remove it from the list.

-- Frhdkazan (ырытыы) 18:07, 12 Тохсунньу 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Happy New Year!

We are now at the final stage of the Wikipedia Asian Month, which means, we are collecting the address and ready to send postcards. There are basically three things left.

  1. The survey of address collecting is ready, please consider to translate the survey at this page if you are not sure all qualified participants have capability to finish this English survey.
  2. After you translate it, or not, please distribute the survey link with, or without, the page of tranlsation to qualifeid particpants on your Wikipedia. Please make sure the list are also in this page so we can know who is the qualified participants who are organizers. Please update this page once you finish the distribution.
  3. We have a barnstar for whoever submit one article in the event. Please consider to distribute this on your Wikipedia if it haven't done yet. And please update this page as well.

Sorry for all the delays and thank you for being part of it. Please subscribe the mail list for future collaboration in Asia, and for Wikipedia Asian Month in 2016.

Best Wishes,

Addis Wang

Sent byMediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 08:00, 13 Тохсунньу 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Нуучча википедиятыгар бу ыстатыйаларга лааскап уолун "кириитикилэрин", cахалары Ойуунускайы/Манчаарыны хоруотуурун утарсан кэпсэтии таһаарбытым былырыын. Ону тойон бүрэкирээт Halan Tul билэр, аахпыт буолуохтааххыт. Ким да атын туруорсуьбатын иһин кэпсэтиии архыыпка барбытын бүгүн сөргүттүм. Сахалар бэйэҕит санааҕытын суруйуҥ. Бу киһи яктрукомузаҕа сахалары утары суруйарын, абааһы көрөрүн ааҕаргыт буолуо. Кэпсэтии манна баар, ааҕан баран туора турбакка кыттыһар инигит. --Ардах18 (ырытыы) 02:19, 20 Тохсунньу 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

  • Хайа то5о тугу да суруйбаккыт Ойуунускай/Аммосов/Манчаары/Елуенэ ерус/Саха ту7угар? Лааскапкыт уола эсигини хайгыыр этэ, администратор дуомугар унсэн - миигин уурбут диэн. Ол и7ин сахалары абаасы керер кисиэхэ бэрт буолан суруйбаккыт дуо? --Ардах18 (ырытыы) 20:28, 11 Олунньу 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]
  • Вандал Ласкаап лааскап уолун, вандаливший в вышеописанных статьях ушел из Википедии и остальных википроектов, сославшись на якобы троллей, от которых не могут якобы защитить админы... Нормальную критику свой адрес не может выдержать...
  • Ардах18 правьте смело раз Ласкаап "выдавлен" из пространства вики-проектов...
Уважаемый коллега,

Большое спасибо всем и каждому, кто вносит свой вклад в развитие Разделов Википедии на языках России. В этом выпуске:

  1. На сайте ВМРУ заработал механизм перевода страниц PageTranslation и настроено автоматическое определение предпочитаемого пользователем языка отображения контента. Служебная:Регистрация переводчиков
  2. В нашем братстве ожидается пополнение: одобрен перевод тестового раздела на адыгейском языке в общее пространство.
  3. Самых вежливых и полезных участников проекта "сосчитает" 'Thanks report'.
  4. В Башкирской Википедии заработал машинный переводчик
  5. Опубликован список наиболее редактируемых статей РуВики за 2015 г.
  6. Статистика: первая полная за месяц на базе WikiStats и помесячная посещаемость за год (заглавные страницы, stats.grok.se)
  7. Подготовка образовательных видео по работе в Википедии и родственных проектах (с субтитрами) вышла на стадию препродакшен.
  8. Категория:Средства массовой информации на языках России и аналог в английской Википедии готовы для улучшения и связывания.
  9. Викимедийцы Башкортостана запустили оффлайн Вики-школу с занятиями и домашним заданием.
  10. Викиновости:Многоязычность: Русский раздел предоставил пространство и всячески содействует развитию версий на региональных языках России.
  11. Участники Викиданных приглашают малые Википедии, желающие повысить энциклопедическую полезность раздела для его читателей, принять участие в тестировании возможностей инструмента Placeholder.
  12. В РуВики запущен проект Сайнпост-Дайджест.
  13. Размещенное на Мета-Вики описание проекта "Википедии на языках России" и его подстраницы можно не только редактировать, но и переводить на ваши родные языки. Добро пожаловать!
  14. Следующий проект коллег из БашВики - Неделя Башкортостана в РуВики.
  15. Чтобы Википедия жила вечно, Фонд Викимедиа создал Целевой финансовый фонд Wikimedia Endowment.
  16. Викимедиа РУ приветствует языки народов России - заглавная страница теперь и на казахском, на саха (якутском) и на татарском. Кто следующий?
  17. m:Wikimedia Russia теперь также и на аварском! Какой будет следующим?

Подписаться/Отписаться. Готовы поделиться своими новостями или опытом? добавляйте ссылку в следующий выпуск!

Dear colleague,

Great thanks go to each and everyone contributing into developing Wikipedias in the languages of Russia. In this issue:

  1. PageTranslation is installedand User's content language preference recognition is set up at Wikimedia Russia wiki. Special:Translator signup
  2. В нашем братстве ожидается пополнение: одобрен перевод тестового раздела на адыгейском языке в общее пространство.
  3. 'Thanks report' "discloses" kindest and most useful wiki-contributors.
  4. Machine translation started working in Bashkir Wikipedia
  5. RuSsian Wikinews published the list of most edited articles in Russian Wikipedia in 2015
  6. Statistics: first WikiStats-based full monthly report and stats.grok.se based two-year monthly Main Page Pageviews.
  7. Filming motivational and educational videos on contributing into Wikipedia and its sister projects (with subtitles) is now in pre-production.
  8. Category:Media by language of Russia and its Russian mirror are ready to be improved or linked to.
  9. Wikimedians of Bashkortostan launched offline Wiki-School with classes and homework.
  10. Викиновости:Многоязычность: Russian Wikinews is ready to lend space and otherwise support development of versions in regional languages of Russia.
  11. Wikidata participants invite small Wikipedias that want to increase own encyclopedic utility for their readers to take part in testing opportunities offered by ArticlePlaceholder feature.
  12. RuWiki partocipants launched The Signpost Digest project.
  13. "Wikipedias in the languages of Russia" project description on Meta and its sub-pages don't have to be limited to editing, you can also translate them in your mother tongues. Welcome!
  14. Next project of our colleagues from BashWiki - Bashkortostan dedicated week in RuWiki.
  15. To make Wikipedia eternal, Wikimedia Foundation has established Wikipedia Endowment.
  16. Wikimedia RU welcomes languages of Russia on its wiki - homepage materials can now be also viewed in Kazakh, in Sakha and in Tatar. Which language is going to join those next?
  17. m:Wikimedia Russia is now also available in Avar! Will your language team be the next one to join our efforts?

Subscribe/Unsubscribe. Ready to share own news or valuable experience? Add a link into the next month issue!

--Frhdkazan (ырытыы) 10:27, 12 Олунньу 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Organizer feedback for WAM

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM organizers!

Please help us improve our judging tool of the Wikipedia Asian Month, and make it better to use in 2016 Edition. It may take around 5 minutes to Fill The Survey, and you will get an additional postcard if you submit your mailing address already. BTW, if you receive question regarding the postcard questions, here is a small updating page for your reference.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang

MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 23:20, 2 Кулун тутар 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Hi, can you delete the files in Категория:Билэлэр:Туһаныллыбатах көҥүлэ суохтар please? There are more problematic files in Аналлаах:Неиспользуемые_файлы and Категория:Файлы без машиночитаемой лицензии. Nemo bis (ырытыы) 09:52, 20 Кулун тутар 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

News from international CEE Spring 2016

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi, dear local organizer of CEE Spring 2016! We have some news and updates.

  • There are new countries and projects that joined the contest after it started, these are Belarusian classic Wikipedia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Kazakhstan, Kosovo, Sakha and Turkey. Our Timeline is updated, so please update your plans as well. If some other countries join the contest on the go, we will inform you!
  • There are two types of statistics gathered:
    If you don't use the template yet, here is an example: uk:Template:CEE Spring 2016. Its usage looks like: {{CEE Spring 2016 |user= |topic= |topic2= |topic3= |country= |country2= |country3= }}
    If you are using it but don't see your project in the stats then, perhaps, you are not using it properly. Only articles created (or improved if the rules allow this) for the contest during its period should have the template on respective talk pages.
  • Let us remind you, that as the contest is held simultaneously in many Wikipedias, it is vital that all articles, contest templates and categories are linked with Wikidata. Don't forget about this :)
  • If your local contest has some special needs (e.g. stats by weeks), let us know. Having local rules briefly described on Meta page is compulsory for well-mannered organisers :)

Please let us know if you need help with anything! Any questions leave here.

If someone wants to receive such updates from CEE Spring on their talk page, they may add their username on this page. It might also be useful to join WMCEE-l mailing list (wmcee-l@tools.wikimedia.pl, registration).

Best regards from international organizers,
-- Ата via MassMessage 01:32, 3 Муус устар 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2016 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We will launch a pre-event, which is new-user exclusive training event, that will help new users get involved in the Wikipedia community and contribute more in the Asian Month.
  2. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  3. We will largely improve the tool, that participants can directly report their contribution on the tool, and will be easier for judges to use.
  4. We will try to send Ambassador certificate physically this year, as well as awarding second and third participants with a WAM button.
  5. We will pre-made all postcards and souvenirs, so we can send them all immediately after the event.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

As always, reach me at meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang

12:54, 22 Бэс ыйын 2016 (UTC)

Здравствуйте, тут неопытный пользователь немного запутался и залил дважды статью Ономастика, один раз под заголовком Фразеология. Можете заменить контент хотя бы одной строчкой про фразеологию по-якутски? Я просто языком совсем не владею...--EUvin (ырытыы) 22:48, 8 От ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Махтал! (Спасибо!). Заменил. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 02:16, 11 От ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]


We heard that you would like to visit WikiConference in Ukraine on September 3-4.

Please apply using this form: https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdfa34qWluzUZMdMBBuH5P_7bormNqPSEuMSdjrrJiqdQInfg/viewform
Tell us what useful experience you can share with Ukrainian Wikimedians!

Note that

  • We can arrange your accommodation but we won't be able to reimburse travel expenses.
  • Working language of the conference is Ukrainian but we are working on making your participation comfortable if you come.

Best regards,
-- ViraMotorko (WMUA) (ырытыы) 00:49, 12 Атырдьах ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Привет / Hello! Пожалуйста, удалите эти файлы / Could you please delete these files? Информация о лицензии отсутствует, администраторы должны были удалить их давно / They are missing the license and they were supposed to be deleted a long time ago. Спасибо / Thank you! --アンタナナ 09:09, 19 Атырдьах ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Махтал / Thank you! I took note. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 00:50, 22 Атырдьах ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Носков и Киркоров

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Здравствуйте уважаемая HalanTul, я чуть-чуть знаю несколько слов на якутском языке, но я для вас делаю заказ: вы сможете сделать на вашем якутском языке статьи про музыканта Николая Носкова и короля шоу-бизнеса Филиппа Киркорова? Если вы сделаете эту статью, я буду очень благодарна и гостеприимна! Спасибо! -- 19:43, 22 Атырдьах ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Простите, я сейчас не могу выполнить Вашу просьбу. Пожалуйста, попробуйте обратиться к другим участникам. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 02:42, 23 Атырдьах ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Hi, dear CEE Spring 2016 organisers! I am sorry for writing in English again.

The international organisers of the contest ask all the participants to complete the survey about the contest. It is very short. It gives us a bit of statistics and helps make the next contest better.

We will use MassMessage to give the survey link to all the participants. Obviously, not all of them speak English, so please, help us with translating this request and encourage them to complete the survey.

Best regards,
-- Ата via MassMessage 18:54, 26 Атырдьах ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

{{subst:#switch:sah|es=CEE Primavera 2016 Encuesta|#default= CEE Spring 2016 Survey|hu=CEE Tavasz 2016 kérdőív|sq=Anketa e CEE Spring 2016|et=Kesk- ja Ida-Euroopa kevad (CEE Spring) 2016 küsitlus|tr=Orta ve Doğu Avrupa (CEE) Baha…

Hi, CEE Spring 2016 participant! I am sorry for writing in English. The international organisers of the contest ask you to complete the survey about the contest. It is very short. It gives us a bit of statistics and helps make the next contest better. Please complete the survey here: https://wikimedia.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_eLP1PKZWjSpIi45 Best regards,
-- Ата via MassMessage 13:28, 10 Балаҕан ыйын 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

One Week Notice[edit | edit source]

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM organizers!

Thanks again for organizing Wikipedia Asian Month. There are only 7 days before it starts. Here are some notices and guidelines for organizing.

  • Our Sample page with the new logo is ready to be translated. There are only a few adjust if you had this page for 2015 already.
    • Article Requirement is 4
    • Article criteria is 3k bytes and 300 words. NO 2k bytes for smaller Wikipedia.
    • According to the tool's limit, IP users can not participate. Please encourage them register an account.
  • Please localize this template and used on sign up page. I will update the template once the tool is ready to be used.
  • You can also localize this template and use as an invitation letter. en:Template:WAM Welcome
  • You may localize this Q&A page, but you can also just put a link towards the meta page. m:Wikipedia Asian Month/QA
  • You may want to invite some of your Wikipedia friends or active Wikipedians from your home WIKI to help you organize.
  • You may want to send some invitation to last year participants, active Wikipedians, and Wikipedians who has a special interest.
  • Central Notice will be used but the effect could be limited due to the active Wikimedia Fundraising Campaign. You may use the Site Notice if you don't see the CN is deployed.
  • We will keep sending postcards (new design) this year, and as an organizer you will receive an additional postcard as well.
  • We will send the Ambassador a regular paper copy of the certificate through the basic mail.

Please feel free to contact me on my meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 15:12, 24 Алтынньы 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Central Notice of Wikipedia Asian Month

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Only four days left before we enter November, the Wikipedia Asian Month!
We are going to set up the Central Notice, which will help you achieve more sucess in upcoming WAM event and attract more people join your home Wikipedia.

  1. Step 1, make sure your event page is fully set up and translated. Link to the Sample page (You need to localize This template)
  2. Step 2, translate the banner at here, make sure tranlsate the link to the event page of your home wiki.
  3. Step 3, when you finish the two steps, update this page. When both "Main Page" and "CN"(tranlsation) marked as done, I will enbale the CN in your language all the way to the end of November.
  • You can find me on facebook by searching Addis Wang, and feel free to add me as well as chat with me for any question. Feel free to contact me with other language, I will try to understand it by google translate.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 19:32, 26 Алтынньы 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

WAM Organizers Update (Nov.5)

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • IMPORTANT: Asian Language Wikipedia will exclude the language speaking country from the Asian Month so we can encourage editors write something about other part of Asia. E.g., Chinese Wikipedia will exclude Mainland China, Taiwan, Hong Kong, and Macau. Indian language Wikipedia will exclude India. If you have problems with that, please let me know.
    • I've posted the tool instruction and newest postcard rules on each Wiki' event page. Make sure you translate it. In short: 4 articles get one card, 15 get another one (Special one), and the Ambassador gets another one.
    • We will still allow two Ambassadors if top and second contributors have more than 30 accepted articles, just like last year. Please send this information to high-quantity participant to encourage them.
    • Please create this talk page template and linked in Wikidata. Judging tool will add this template to submitted articles automatically.
    • The judging tool should work fine. If not, talk to me.
    • You may put this template on your user page if you like it. en:Template:User WAM organizer
    • Optional: Judging Tool Interface may not available in your language. If you feel needed, you can translate the interface at here.
    • Invite some active contributors from your wiki to participate. And please encourage editors who can speak more than one language participate to other WAM edition.
    • Indic Community: CIS-A2K will provide fund if you would like to organize an offline event of Wikipedia Asian Month. Apply at here.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 18:55, 5 Сэтинньи 2016 (UTC) [хоруй]

WAM Organizers Update (Nov.12)

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • Additional souvenirs (e.g. Stickers, bookmarks) will sent to Ambassadors and active organizers.
    • I'm doing some basic statistics at Result page every week, in case you are interested.
  • I've already sent noticfication to global top 20 users that WMF will give global top 3 contributors a free Wikimedia T-shirt. Here are the rules:
    • A participant's article count is combined on all language Wikipedias they have contributed to
    • Only Wikipedia Asian Month on Wikipedia projects will count (no WikiQuote, etc.)
    • The global top 3 article count will only be eligible on Wikipedias where the WAM article requirement is at least 3,000 Bytes and 300 words.
    • Please make sure enforce the rules, such as proper references, notability, and length.
    • International organizers will double check the top 3 users' accepted articles, so if your articles are not fulfilling the rules, you might be disqualified. We don't want it happened so please don't let us make such a decision.
    • Rest of Global top 10 users will also get some WAM souvenirs.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang
Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 03:01, 13 Сэтинньи 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Hi WAM organizers, due to unexpected maintenance on wmfLabs, which host our judging tool, the tool is currently down and can not be used in around next 48 hours or less. Please inform local participants for such problem, and tell them they can submit their contribution after the maintenance. I will send another update when the tool comes back. If you have further questions regarding the tool, please feel free to reach me or the tool developer Le Loi. Best, Addis Wang/ sent by MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 22:07, 14 Сэтинньи 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Hi WAM organizers! It's now half way! Good job! Here are some updates:

  • As many of you may notice, that the judging tool has came back to normal.
  • I've set up a result page with some numbers in it. It may not accurate, just as a reference at this time.
  • WAM should get more media coverage. If you can help (either locally or internationally), please let me know!
  • Please considering start judging articles if you have not yet. it's really important to give feedbacks to participants so they can improve articles or get motivated.
  • With your help, I may start the first round of address collection before WAM ends for who already have four accepted articles and organizers, as I promised to improve the postcard sending process this year.
  • Feel free to reach out to me for any question! At my meta talk page.

Best Wishes,
Adds Wang
sent by MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 05:31, 16 Сэтинньи 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month is almost ending and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Here are some number I would like to share with you (by UTC Nov. 30 2am)
Total submitted: 7289; 669 unique users
Tool problem
If you can not submit articles via judging tool, use this meta page to do so. Please spread this message with local participants.
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 5th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Participates still can submit their contribution in November before December 2nd at this page. Please let your local wiki participates know. Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 5th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 2nd, December 7th, and December 20th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants has more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • I will announce the name of Wikipedians who will able to pick a Wikimedia T-shirt from Wikimedia Store for free after I re-check their contributions.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.
Some Questions
  • It could be a case that local organizer does not agree on an article if shall accept it or not. In this situation, the judging tool will highlight the conflict articles in the "article's list". Please review other's opinion, and resolve the conflict by changing your decision or discuss with other judges.
  • In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loi for more information.

Best Wishes,
Addis Wang; Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 14:19, 30 Сэтинньи 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

We are starting collecting address! Please fill this form to receive an additional postcard as being a WAM organizer. You may receive this message because you on the receipt list. You don't have to fill the form if you are not organizing this year. This form is only accessed by me and your username will not distribute to the local community to send postcards. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards and other souvenirs are sent. Please help your local participants in case they have any problem understanding the survey. If you have any question, feel free contact me on my meta talk page. You can remove yourself from the list at this page.

  • Some deadline:
    Dec. 5th: Finish Judging
    Dec.10th: Last day to improve the content and change the judge

Best, Addis Wang; Sent by MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 08:04, 3 Ахсынньы 2016 (UTC)[хоруй]

Hello, could you please translate Automatic refresh (Автоматическое обновление) to саха тыла? Thanks -XQV- (ырытыы) 19:39, 13 Тохсунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Link please. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 02:13, 14 Тохсунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
There's no link as I need the bolded sentence translated. -XQV- (ырытыы) 09:05, 14 Тохсунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Envy on the context. In general, it can be translated as: Аптамаатынан саҥардыы. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 21:27, 14 Тохсунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Share your experience and feedback as a Wikimedian in this global survey

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]
  1. This survey is primarily meant to get feedback on the Wikimedia Foundation's current work, not long-term strategy.
  2. Legal stuff: No purchase necessary. Must be the age of majority to participate. Sponsored by the Wikimedia Foundation located at 149 New Montgomery, San Francisco, CA, USA, 94105. Ends January 31, 2017. Void where prohibited. Click here for contest rules.

Privjet HalanTul!

The Saxa Wikipedia logos are now all at https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/Category:Sakha_Wikipedia_logo

Can you help and clean-up and delete:

Spasibo bolshoj (Nje govorju Saxa) 19:02, 15 Олунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Thank you! You will be examined later. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 01:26, 16 Олунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Spasibo bolshoj! Can you delete Билэ:Sah-wiki-old.png? It is in Commons. Spasibo bolshoj! 02:29, 21 Олунньу 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Your feedback matters: Final reminder to take the global Wikimedia survey

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

(Sorry for writing in English)

Николай, у вас есть такая статья? Я что-то не нашёл, сейчас создал, а связать ни с чем не могу. Может, плохо ищу?--Ymblanter (ырытыы) 15:33, 27 Муус устар 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Нет статьи пока нет. Сейчас создам стаб. Нашел отчество на сайте школы, где работает Давыдов. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 01:45, 28 Муус устар 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Ага, большое спасибо.--Ymblanter (ырытыы) 05:34, 28 Муус устар 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-25

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-27

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-28

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-29

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-30

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-31

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-33

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-34

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-36

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-37

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-38

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-39

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2017 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  2. We will have many special prize provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  3. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik

Ок. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 21:33, 10 Алтынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-42

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-43

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM organizers!

Thanks again for organizing Wikipedia Asian Month. There are only 4 days before it starts. If you haven't yet signed your language in WAM 2017, You can sign-up here. Below we have provided some notices and guidelines for organizing.

Page Setup
  • Our Sample page is ready to be translated. There are only a few adjustments if you had this page for 2016 already.
    • Article Requirement is 4
    • Article criteria are 3k bytes and 300 words. NO 2k bytes for smaller Wikipedia.
    • According to the tool's limit, IP users can not participate. Please encourage them to register an account.
  • Please localize this template and used on sign up page. I will update the template once the tool is ready to be used.
  • You may localize this page, but you can also just put a link towards the meta page. m:Wikipedia Asian Month/QA
  • You may have to invite some of your Wikipedia friends or active Wikipedians from your home WIKI to help you organize.
  • You may have to send some invitation to last year participants, active Wikipedians, and Wikipedians who has a special interest.
  • Central Notice will be used. You may use the Site Notice if you don't see the CN is deployed.
  • We will keep sending postcards (new design) this year, and as an organizer, you will receive an additional postcard as well.
  • We will have many special prizes provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  • We will send the Ambassador a regular paper copy of the certificate through the basic mail.

Please feel free to contact me or the WAM team meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 13:38, 27 Алтынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia Asian Month 2017: engage with audience

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Dear WAM organizer,

I’m Erick, the coordinator of WAM 2017. Thanks for your effort and help at m:Wikipedia Asian Month 2017! Here are some more information about organizational matter of the event at a national level.

You are receiving this message because you have signed up as a organizer or in the list.


The event has started and will end in the November 30th 23:59 (UTC). However, we are late for some matter. So we need your help:

  • Invite previous participants and your community members to join. We have a template you can use.
  • Translate Central Notice for your community (more instruction below) as well as sending a notice in village pump. Go public!
  • Become the jury member in a campaign on Fountain which is an amazing tool for you to supervise participants’ articles. If you don’t have the campaign set up, please contact us! And put a link to your community’s campaign page for participants’ navigation.
  • Organize a off-site editathon event. A coffee bar, internet and laptops. Though it’s optional. If you want to do that, please contact me.

In the following days, you should answer the questions from your community and supervise the submissions. Hope you have fun!

Prepare Central Notice

Central Notice shows a banner on the top of pages in your wiki project along the event timeframe. We will use this to engage with audience. Steps:

  1. Translate, change logo and link to event page. Find your project's Central Notice here. For example, we can change the banner for Chinese Wikipedia here.
  2. When you mark the 4 items (translation) as done. I'll enable the central notice in your language for this month.
Interesting articles

Have some interesting articles in your mind or from community? Drop us a line so that we can post that here to exchange the information to other communities.

Special Prize

You can find some special prizes in Event Partner page. They can be claimed by:

  • Write an article about Indigenous people in Taiwan at Wikipedia Asian Month (supported by Wikimedia Taiwan).
  • Write articles on monuments of Bhubaneswar (supported by Bhubaneswar Heritage Edit-a-thon).

The participants who joins for the special prize need to also report their conribution in the speical page. The link is shown in the Event Partner page.

Looking for help

At all times, please reply me back or send me an email at erick@asianmonth.wiki.--Fantasticfears (talk) 12:12, 5 Сэтинньи 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-45

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-46

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-47

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Перевод недели

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Привет! Руки дошли-таки переписать скрипт, обновляющий шаблончик. Я пока его почти не тестировал и в деле не видел, так что, возможно, придётся ещё отлаживать, но посмотрим. :D Теперь он проверяет, изменилась ли ссылка на иноязычную статью, и обновляет шаблон, только если да. В рувики я поставил его раз в день просыпаться и проверять, здесь можно хоть каждый час настроить. Кроме того, скрипт умеет старые ссылки складировать на какой-то странице. Режима архивации 2: либо бот складирует все ссылки, либо только те, для которых не появилось перевода (проверяется ссылка на локальную статью из самого шаблона, а не интервика, так что если шаблон обновляться не будет, смысла включать нет). Выглядеть это будет как-то так (правка тестовая, а ??? потому, что перевода в шаблоне никто не указал), формат настраивается.

Если архивация нужна, с тебя — страница архива, предпочитаемый режим работы и в каком формате отгружать (можно таблицей, можно списком каким-нибудь вроде * англостатья -> местная статья) и якутское описание правки при архивации (в русском он пока просто пишет «Архивация перевода недели.»).

Если будешь отвечать — пингани, пожалуйста, чтобы уведомление пришло. Facenapalm (ырытыы) 14:50, 1 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

  • Очень хорошо, Facenapalm, спасибо!
Наш пусть "просыпается" каждые 4 часа. Я так понимаю, на мете размещают новые статьи не в одно и то же время, так что, пусть будет почаще чем раз в сутки.
Складировать будем здесь: Бикипиэдьийэ:Бырайыак:Тылбаас/Архыып, причем пусть складирует все ссылки (не только непереведенные).
Формат - можно в виде таблицы.
Описание правки пусть будет такое: "Нэдиэлэ тылбааһын архыыптааһын." --HalanTul (ырытыы) 03:12, 2 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
  • Хорошо, я загрузил новую версию скрипта. Послежу за вкладом первое время, проблемы буду исправлять по мере их появления. На всякий случай подчёркиваю, что бот рассчитан на то, что шаблон обновляется: если в шаблоне не указать местную статью, её и в архиве не будет, второй раз бот интервики не проверяет. Хотя это скорее заявка на следующее обновление. :) Facenapalm (ырытыы) 10:43, 2 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Э... Facenapalm! Лучше бы бот не обращал внимание на наличие местного перевода (названия или самой статьи), в этом случае мы бы не пропускали непереведенные статьи и рано или поздно переводили бы их. А так, все будет зависеть от прилежания одного человека, который следит за обновлениями, т.е. от меня. А я могу и пропустить статью, и взять вики-отпуск, и даже покинуть проект когда-нибудь. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 23:32, 2 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Ты, видимо, не совсем так меня понял. Ситуация такая: на мете обновили «перевод недели»; бот обновил шаблон, оставив «укажите название статьи» на месте якутского названия; кто-то это увидел, перевёл статью и корректно связал её на Викиданных, но, к сожалению, забыл указать название новой статьи в самом шаблоне. В этом случае бот статью в архив добавит, но вместо ссылки на местную статью оставит «???», потому что он берёт эту информацию из самого шаблона, хотя в теории мог бы загружать список интервик из Викиданных и пытаться исправить этот случай автоматически. Запись в архиве появится в любом случае, просто чуть менее информативная.
Почему я написал «второй раз», потому что один раз так бот уже делает: при заполнении нового перевода недели бот проверяет наличие интервики, чтобы, в случае чего, указать сразу неё на месте «укажите название статьи». Facenapalm (ырытыы) 23:49, 2 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Иными словами, в архив переносится только та информация, что есть в шаблоне. Переносится всегда, но не всегда она может быть актуальной. Facenapalm (ырытыы) 23:51, 2 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]
Лады, Facenapalm. Не очень понял, в общем, посмотрим, как будет работать. Спасибо! Перевел названия колонок на странице архива. Надеюсь, работе бота это не помешает? --HalanTul (ырытыы) 02:28, 3 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-49

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]
Trientalis europaea

Hi HalanTul

For your huge efforts on Sakha Wikipedia I want to present you the Flower of the month.

Best regards, --Holder (ырытыы) 19:16, 4 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Thank you so much! --HalanTul (ырытыы) 22:35, 4 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month is has ended and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Here are some number I would like to share with you
Total submitted: 7429 articles; 694 users
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 12th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 12th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 15th, December 20th, and December 25th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 17:37, 5 Ахсынньы 2017 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-50

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-51

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2017-52

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-2

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-3

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-4

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-5

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-6

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Thanks for participation as an organizer in Wikipedia Asian Month 2017

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Dear WAM organizer,

Thanks for your hard work to bring the event globally, especially in your community. As an reward of your effort, we will send you a postcard. Please fill out this form (this is the same as other participants filled, you can ignore irrelevant questions if any). --Fantasticfears (talk) 10:59, 21 Олунньу 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-9

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-10

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-11

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-12

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-13

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-14

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-16

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-17

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-19

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-20

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-21

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-23

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-24

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-26

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia Asian Month 2018

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hey HalanTul,

My name is Yu Lun, and I’m from the Wikipedia Asian Month International Team. It’s a great pleasure to meet you and see the effort you have put into the previous editions of WAM. Thank you! On a side note, have you received your postcard? If you have yet to receive the postcard, I can help you to check our records.

We are currently preparing the 2018 edition of the Wikipedia Asian Month and would like to check with you if you are still willing to organize the WAM on the Sakha Wikipedia? On behalf of the WAM team, I will be the liaison to Sakha Wikipedia this year. So if you have any questions, requests or ideas, feel free to contact me directly.

Meanwhile, as a WAM organizer, we will put you on this mailing list (https://lists.wikimedia.org/mailman/listinfo/wam-announce) that is exclusively for organizers only. We will keep emails from that list to a minimal. But feel free to let us know if you wish to not be subscribed. Here is a survey we would like you to fill in (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfxUiT2RILnuOr3eacXzYwCgda6s2IcgRqSQZdYPy_GadWHxg/viewform?usp=sf_link). This survey will ensure that we will be able to better help you in WAM 2018. I’m looking forward to seeing you at this year’s event!

--Yulun5566 (ырытыы) 13:33, 30 Бэс ыйын 2018 (UTC) on behalf of WAM International Team[хоруй]

Thank you, Yulun5566! Yes, I received a wonderful postcard! Sakha Wikipedia will participate in the next contest. I have a question. Our user (User:MARKSDNW) who won has not yet received a postcard and a certificate that he is the Ambassador of Asia. Was the letter sent by mail? --HalanTul (ырытыы) 08:25, 9 От ыйын 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

Thank you for your positive response! You are right to say that the postcards/certificates were sent by mail. Nevertheless, I will check on (User:MARKSDNW)'s postcard/certificate last known status with the team. Thanks for bringing it up, and I will update his postcard/certificate status on his talk page. --Yulun5566 (ырытыы) 06:12, 10 От ыйын 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-27

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-28

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-29

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-30

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-31

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-32

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-33

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-34

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-35

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-36

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-37

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-38

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM organizers!

Hope you receive your postcard successfully! Now it's a great time to sign up at the 2018 WAM, which will still take place in November. Here are some updates and improvements we will make for upcoming WAM. If you have any suggestions or thoughts, feel free to discuss on the meta talk page.

  1. We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  2. We will have many special prize provided by Wikimedia Affiliates and others. Take a look at here. Let me know if your organization also would like to offer a similar thing.
  3. Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 16:03, 23 Балаҕан ыйын 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

27 Communities have joined WAM 2018, we're waiting for you!

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Dear WAM organizers!

Wikipedia Asian Month 2018 is now 26 days away! It is time to sign up for WAM 2018,

Following are the updates on the upcoming WAM 2018:

  • Follow the organizer guidelines to host the WAM successfully.
  • We want to host many onsite Edit-a-thons all over the world this year. If you would like to host one in your city, please take a look and sign up at this page.
  • If you or your affiliate wants to organize an event partnering with WAM 2018, Please Take a look at here.
  • Please encourage other organizers and participants to sign-up in this page to receive updates and news on Wikipedia Asian Month.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Reach out the WAM team here at the meta talk page if you have any questions.

Best Wishes,
Wikilover90 using ~~~~

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-41

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-42

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-43

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]
Махтал, Рустам! --HalanTul (ырытыы) 21:19, 22 Алтынньы 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-44

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-45

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-46

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Hi WAM Organizer! Hopefully, everything works just fine so far! Need Help Button, post in any language is fine

  • Here are some recent updates and clarification of rules for you, and as always, let me know if you have any idea, thought or question.
    • Additional souvenirs (e.g. postcard) will be sent to Ambassadors and active organizers.
    • A participant's article count is combined on all language Wikipedias they have contributed to
    • Only Wikipedia Asian Month on Wikipedia or Wikivoyage projects count (no WikiQuote, etc.)
    • The global top 3 article count will only be eligible on Wikipedias where the WAM article requirement is at least 3,000 bytes and 300 words.
    • If your community accepts an extension for articles, you should set up a page and allow participants to submit their contributions there.
    • In case of redirection not allowed submitting in Fountain tool, a workaround is to delete it, copy and submit again. Or a submission page can be used too.
    • Please make sure enforce the rules, such as proper references, notability, and length.
    • International organizers will double check the top 3 users' accepted articles, so if your articles are not fulfilling the rules, they might be disqualified. We don't want it happened so please don't let us make such a decision.

Please feel free to contact me and WAM team on meta talk page, send me an email by Email this User or chat with me on facebook. For some languages, the activity for WAM is very less, If you need any help please reach out to us, still, 12 more days left for WAM, Please encourage your community members to take part in it.

If you no longer want to receive the WAM organizer message, you can remove your username at this page.

Best Wishes,
Sailesh Patnaik

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-47

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-48

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-49

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Congratulations! The Wikipedia Asian Month has ended successfully and you've done amazing work of organizing. What we've got and what's next?

Tool problem
If you faced problem submitting articles via judging tool, use this meta page to do so. Please spread this message with local participants.
Here are what will come after the end of WAM
  • Make sure you judge all articles before December 7th, and participants who can improve their contribution (not submit) before December 10th.
  • Participates still can submit their contribution of November before December 5th at this page. Please let your local wiki participates know. Once you finish the judging, please update this page after December 7th
  • There will be three round of address collection scheduled: December 15th, December 20th, and December 25th.
  • Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  • There will be a progress page for the postcards.
Some Questions
  • In case you wondering how can you use the WAM tool (Fountain) in your own contest, contact the developer Le Loi for more information.

Thanks again, Regards
Sailesh Patnaik using MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 04:59, 3 Ахсынньы 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-50

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-51

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Dear organiser,

Thanks for your patience, I apologise for the delay in sending the Google form for address collection. Please share this form and the message with the participants who created 4 or more than 4 articles during WAM. We will send the reminders directly to the participants from next time, but please ask the participants to fill the form before January 10th 2019.

Things to do:

  1. If you're the only organiser in your language edition, Please accept your article, keeping the WAM guidelines in mind.
  2. Please report the local Wikipedia Asian Ambassador (who has most accepted articles) on this page, if the 2nd participants have more than 30 accepted articles, you will have two ambassadors.
  3. Please update the status of your language edition in this page.

Note: This form is only accessed by WAM international team. All personal data will be destroyed immediately after postcards are sent. If you have problems accessing the google form, you can use Email This User to send your address to my Email. Thanks :) --Saileshpat using MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 21:15, 19 Ахсынньы 2018 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2018-52

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Invitation to Organize Wiki Loves Love 2019

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wiki Loves Love (WLL) is an International photography competition of Wikimedia Commons to subject love testimonials happening in the month of February 2019.

The primary goal of the competition is to document love testimonials through human cultural diversity such as monuments, ceremonies, snapshot of tender gesture, and miscellaneous objects used as symbol of love; to illustrate articles in the worldwide free encyclopedia Wikipedia, and other Wikimedia Foundation (WMF) projects. February is around the corner and Wiki Loves Love team invites you to organize and promote WLL19 in your country and join hands with us to celebrate love and document it on Wikimedia Commons. The theme of 2019 is Festivals, ceremonies and celebrations of love.

To organize Wiki Loves Love in your region, sign up at WLL Organizers page. You can also simply support and spread love by helping us translate the commons page in your local language which is open for translation.

The contest starts runs from 1-28 February 2019. Independent from if there is a local contest organised in your country, you can help by making the photo contest Wiki Loves Love more accessible and available to more people in the world by translating the upload wizard, templates and pages to your local language. See for an overview of templates/pages to be translated at our Translations page.

Imagine...The sum of all love!

Wiki Loves Love team

--MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 12:33, 6 Тохсунньу 2019 (UTC)[хоруй]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-02

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]

Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-03

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-04

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-05

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-07

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-08

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-09

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-10

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-11

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-12

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-13

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-16

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-18

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-19

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-20

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-21

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-23

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-24

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-25

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-26

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-27

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-28

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-29

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-30

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-31

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-32

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-33

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-35

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-36

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-37

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-39

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Wikipedia translation of the week: 2019-40

[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]