Бикипиэдьийэ:Кэпсэтэр сир/Техническэй
Кэпсэтэр сир — Техническэй | Сигэ: БП:Ф-Т |
![лат. «форум»](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bb/Wikiforum.svg/79px-Wikiforum.svg.png)
Бастаан элбэхтэ бэриллэр ыйытыылары аах; Вопросы, касающиеся установки и функционирования программного обеспечения MediaWiki следует задавать в листах рассылки, форумах и IRC-каналах поддержки, перечень которых есть здесь.
![]() |
Актуально |
Сиэри-туому ырытыы |
Добрый день! Хотелось бы изменить шрифт Якутской Википедии. Например, на такую же, как установлено в Русской Википедии. Читать Якутскую Википедию сейчас немного некомфортно из-за шрифта.
Что сделано
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- панель статистики на странице вклада участника (работает только в интерфейсе на языке саха)
- Добавлены стили оформления для шаблонов ambox/tmbox/imbox/cmbox/ombox/fmbox/dmbox
- Починил сворачивающиеся навигационные шаблоны
- Обновил код и вызов Викификатора — MediaWiki:Wikificator.js (требуется тестирование и обновление документации)
- Обновил панель быстрой вставки MediaWiki:Edittools
- Обновил код глобальных скриптов и гаджетов - MediaWiki:Common.js , MediaWiki:Gadget-UTCLiveClock.js, MediaWiki:Gadget-watchlist.js , MediaWiki:Gadget-contribsrange.js , MediaWiki:Gadget-markblocked.js, MediaWiki:Gadget-preview.js
Сделано, но пока не работает
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Кнопка для добавления ссылок "Вернуть к..." на странице истории правок
- Такую кнопку нужно включать для конкретной группы участников, т.к. всем подряд такой инструмент давать опасно. Требуется создание группы 'atoconfirmed' (автоподтверждённые) - нужно обсуждение на форуме, консенсус и заявка в Багзиллу.
- Новый код шаблона {{Navbox}} - прока вернул старый
--Kaganer (ырытыы) 16:19, 16 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
SYSOP Каганеру
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Махтал (спасибо) за викификатор (пока не проверила), статистику (смотреть на "Суруйуу тиһигэ"), переводы, от меня лично - за корректировку. Далее всем википедистам СВ - заявки, просьбы, вопросы по тех/вопросам писать сюда.--Ykt www (ырытыы) 11:43, 12 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)--Ykt www (ырытыы) 12:08, 12 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- Я чуть погодя напишу в отдельной теме о том, что сделано, и что в уже сделанном нужно ещё проверить и поправить. А пока предлагаю ещё раз пройтись по всем темам на этом форуме и написать там резюме (делаем/не делаем/есть проблема/нет проблем/...), и, если нужно, закрыть тему.--Kaganer (ырытыы) 06:28, 14 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- Можно кнопочку викификатора на панели поставить первой слева, так удобнее?--Ykt www (ырытыы) 08:29, 14 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- Пока не получилось. Сделал наоборот - сдвинул вправо в отдельную секцию и добавил подпись. --Kaganer (ырытыы) 21:55, 16 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- А подпись зачем, для непонятливых? как-то мешается. Кстати, значок глючит, время от времени исчезает. В рувики такой же значок первый слева вроде.--Ykt www (ырытыы) 16:14, 5 Ахсынньы 2014 (UTC)
- Пока не получилось. Сделал наоборот - сдвинул вправо в отдельную секцию и добавил подпись. --Kaganer (ырытыы) 21:55, 16 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- Можно кнопочку викификатора на панели поставить первой слева, так удобнее?--Ykt www (ырытыы) 08:29, 14 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Я не знаю, есть ли здесь это. Предлагаю рабочее название «Эрчиллэр сир».--Ykt www (ырытыы) 12:08, 12 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- По аналогии с другими разделами - Бикипиэдьийэ:Эрчиллэр сир. --Kaganer (ырытыы) 06:27, 14 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- Чуточку изменила название. Мб, когда-нибудь кто-нибудь предложит другое.--Ykt www (ырытыы) 08:29, 14 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
Шаблон Coord
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Исправьте пож. ошибку в шаблоне {{coord}}.--Ykt www (ырытыы) 08:29, 14 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- просто был старый код шаблона. Заменил, проверяйте. --Kaganer (ырытыы) 16:32, 16 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
- В модуле Модуль:Coordinates нужно перевести русские тексты заголовков и сообщений. --Kaganer (ырытыы) 16:33, 16 Алтынньы 2014 (UTC)
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Уважаемый Павел Каганер! Почему переименованные и выставленные мной на удаление «не мои» статьи числятся в статистике как созданные мной, почему у меня висят? Примеры: 3 -c тыһыынча сыл, 1956 Сайыҥҥы Олимпия онньуулара, Иккис Ньөрүктээйи и т. д.--Ykt www (ырытыы) 16:14, 5 Ахсынньы 2014 (UTC)
Шаблоны языков на страницах участников
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Коллеги! Давно уже можно заменить систему шаблонов "Вавилона" ({{Babel}}) и пр.) на вызов расширения "Babel". Т.е. на странице участника можно писать что-то вроде: {{#babel:xx|yy-1|zzz-0}} (см. мою страничку участника). Проблема тут в том, что по умолчанию этот вызов не добавляет страницу участника в категории вида Категория:User sah.
Чтобы включить автоматическую категоризацию и мигрировать на это расширение, нужно создать баг по образцу вот этого: bugzilla:47749 (для удмуртского раздела), сославшись на положительный консенсус в сообществе (нужно сделать анонс на форуме). Я советую всё это проделать. --Kaganer (ырытыы) 13:05, 23 Ыам ыйын 2013 (UTC)
- Не очень понятно зачем это делать. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 07:09, 2 Тохсунньу 2014 (UTC)
Мобил интерфейс уларыйда
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Урут толору сирэй тахсар буоллаҕына, билигин икки блок эрэ тахсар буолла. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 22:39, 13 Кулун тутар 2012 (UTC)
Биир-икки алҕас
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- "Билэни киллэр" страницаҕа холобурга бэриллибит уруhуй халлыбыгар "Айыллыбыт кэмэ" диэн суруллубут, оттон халыыпка бэйэтигэр "Оҥоһуллубут кэмэ" диэн суруллубут. Көннөрөргө (Айыллыбыт кэмэ → Оҥоһуллубут кэмэ).
- "Видео оонньуулара" категорияны "Компьютер оонньуулара" категорияҕа угуохха. Видео оонньуулара хайдах эрэ икки ис хоhоонноох - ханнык эрэ киинэ/DVD оонньуута, эбэтэр приставка оонньуута. Итилэри учуоттаан видео оонньууларыгар хайаан да консоллар оонньууларын угуохха уонна ону өссө "Компьютер оонньуулара" категория подкатегориятын курдук оҥоруохха.
— Ke5ha93 10:23, 29 Ахсынньы 2009 (UTC)
«Видео оонньуу» диэн бүтүн аат. Видео оонньуулар көмпүүтэр уонна консоль оонньууларыгар арахсаллар. Ол гынан баран, билигин, видео оонньуулары платформаларынан араарар улахан суолтата суох буолан эрэр. Үгүс оонньуулар билигин хас да платформаҕа тэҥҥэ тахсаллар. Ол иhин биир «видео оонньуулар» категория сөп буолуо дии саныыбын. Оонньуу хайа платформаларга тахсыбыта инфобокска суруллар.--Timir2 10:54, 29 Ахсынньы 2009 (UTC)
- Ол да буоллар сөбүлэспэппин. Туох баар цифровой техника компьютертан төрүттээх - ол приставкалар уонна сотовай телефонннар ПК архитектуратыгар олоҕураллар. Аан бастаан оонньуулар компьютерга тахсан баран, дьэ кинилэргэ консоллары айбыттара - "Video game" термин консолу телевизорга холбуулларын иhин үөскээбитэ, арҕаа (СШАҕа). Ити термины, видео оонньуулар тарҕаммыт буолан, Европа, США, Австралия эрэ диэки тутталлар, онтон манна, Арассыйаҕа, барыта сөбүнэн хаалбыта: баар профильнай саайтары көрүҥ. Уонна "эбэһээт Нууччалыы Википедияттан атын буолуохтаахпыт" диэн этии манна олох бассыбат. Реалияны баарынан көрүөхтээхпит. Онон мин "сөп буолуо" дии санаабаппын. Бэйэм мнениябар кытаанахтык турабын. Ke5ha93 11:02, 1 Тохсунньу 2010 (UTC)
Инфобокс халыыптара
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Халыып туруоруулара (параметрдара, опциялара) сахалыы буолаллара буоллар. Холобур, Name оннугар Аата. Мин саныахпар ааҥыл тылын оччо билбэт киһи халыыбы судургутук туһанарын ситиһиэххэ наада этэ. Онон халыып аатын уонна туруорууларын ааттарын эмиэ (көстөрүн эрэ буолбакка) сахалыы суруйар буоллар. Холобур, Infobox Writer халыып аата Суруйааччы инфобокса диэҥҥэ уларыйыан сөп этэ. Оттон инфобокс диэн оннугар ханнык эрэ сахалыы тиэрмини булар буоллар отой да үчүгэй буолуо этэ. Туох дии саныыгыт? --HalanTul 06:27, 12 Ыам ыйын 2009 (UTC)
Yakutia helping itself on the Internet
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]МедиаВики движогу тылбаастыырбар биир проблема баар буолла. Чэ уһуну кэпсээбэккэ тахсыбыт кэпсэтиини цитааталыам, онтон өйдүөххүт:
Об отображении названий языков
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Доброго времени, Александр. При переводе интерфейса этого сайта столкнулся с такой проблемой - не могу перевести название портала на языке Саха (sah). Сейчас в баре навигации (колонка слева) при установке якутского интерфейса отображается вот такая ссылка "якутский портаал". Было бы правильнее "Саха портаал". Не подскажете, где размещен список языков для локализации? Или где он должен быть размещен, чтобы сервер при установке соответствующего интерфейса мог оттуда брать сахаязычный вариант. --HalanTul 04:56, 17 April 2009 (UTC)
- прошу прощения, за запоздалый ответ. Насколько я знаю, названия языков берутся из проекта CLDR. С каждой новой версией пакета локализаций они делают какие исправления переводов, но как повлиять на эти исправления я не знаю. --ajvol 12:53, 22 April 2009 (UTC)
- Возможно я неправильно задал вопрос, а может не понял Вашего ответа;-) Попробую еще раз сформулировать. Вот например, если я установлю английский интерфейс, то русский язык будет отображаться как russian language, если установлю русский интерфейс, то - "русский язык", а если установлю якутский интерфейс он должен был бы отображаться - "нуучча тыла", а на деле отображается "русский тыла" или "russian тыла". Или на сайте приведённом Вами есть названия языков на разных языках, и можно попросить чтобы добавили список и на якутском языке? --HalanTul 20:42, 22 April 2009 (UTC)
Сиһилии манна көр: http://avtor.ykt.ru/viewcomment.aspx?uid=7781&mid=333890 --HalanTul 22:30, 23 Муус устар 2009 (UTC)
Викификатор - Биикилээччи
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Биикилээччи олортум. Билигин дефииһы тире гынан биэриэххэ, уонна да элбэх көннөрүүлэри аптамаатынан оноруохха сөп буолла. Сиһилии нууччалыы бикипиэдьийэҕэ манна көрүөххэ сөп (бу туһунан сахалыытын кэлин оҥоруохпут). --HalanTul 22:06, 9 Муус устар 2009 (UTC)
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Актуально диэн тыл хайдах тылбаастанарый? --HalanTul 00:13, 8 Олунньу 2009 (UTC)
Отображение опций в настройках
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]В личных настройках в нашей википедии нет некоторых опций. В частности в русской вики есть вкладка Гаджеты, где можно отключить показ рекламного баннера, призывающего внести деньги. Отчего бы так? Можно ли исправить? -- 02:30, 9 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Это походу такой хак, потому что, наверно, википедия русская ;) Данный конкретно гаджет (спрятать баннер) - это, по сути, кустом стиль, который для блока содержащего этот баннер присваивает "display: none !important;" и загружается для всех страниц википедии. Только и всего. Если кто знает как это добавить к нам - можете поупражняться. Я пока до туда ещё не добрался. Kyraha 07:55, 15 Ахсынньы 2008 (UTC)
- Кажись сделал, повторяю свой пост в новостном разделе форума: Туруорууларга гааджеттары туһанар кыах баар буолла. Холобур, сиэртибэлээһин туһунан бааннеры суох оҥоруохха уонна сирэй муннугар аан дойду бириэмэтин көрдөрөр, кээһи ыраастыыр чаһыы туруоруохха сөп. --HalanTul 23:32, 3 Тохсунньу 2009 (UTC)
Категория уонна Ойуу
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Билиҥни туругунан категорияларга ыстатыйаны киллэрэргэ, уонна ойууну угарга английскадыы суруйабыт, маннык: [[Category:Холобур]] уонна [[Image:Холобур]]. Тоҕо оннугуй? Тоҕо сахалыы суруйбаппытый, маннык: [[Категория:Холобур]] уонна [[Ойуу:Холобур]]? Кыраһа, быһаарбаккын ээ. --HalanTul 08:34, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Ханна эрэ, мин пока что тиийбэт сирбэр, глобальнай (далай) настройкалар баалар дии саныыбын, ханнык эрэ системнай тылбаастара. Kyraha 18:20, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Бэҕэһээ маннык кэпсэтии таҕыста (Литваттан сылдьар кыттааччы көмөлөһөр): думаю, что было бы хорошо переводить имена пространствах (например User > Кыттачыы, Image > билэ), также сделать новый логотип. Могу все сделать только надо следующих переводов:
- Wikipedia -
- свободная энциклопедия -
- Участник -
- Обсуждение участника -
- Обсуждение Википедии -
- Изображение -
- Обсуждение изображения -
- Шаблон -
- Обсуждение шаблона -
- Категория -
- Обсуждение категории -
- Портал -
- Обсуждение портала -
- Служебная -
Hugo.arg 11:31, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Да, Вы правы. Пока не брался за это, поэтому и пространства имён не переведены, хотя в вики-движке соответствующие переводы сделаны. Хотя как раз сегодня отправил письмо-просьбу техническому админу User:Kyraha. Если знаете как это сделать, подскажите, пожалуйста. А перевод сделаем. Например, участник - кыттааччы, Обсуждение участника - Кыттааччы ырытыыта, Изображение - Image - Ойуу, Шаблон - халыып, Обсуждение шаблона - Халыып ырытыыта. --HalanTul 12:27, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Tам все просто, только надо зарегистрировать просьбу в https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/ с точном списком переводов и разработчики изменят через неделю или два. Как изменить логотипу смотрите здесь http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Logo#Localisation Hugo.arg 12:45, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Оказалось еще проще, на сайте, где переводится интерфейс есть неприметная ссылочка - что-то типа перевод основных понятий. Там и сделал перевод. Вроде сработало;-) --HalanTul 11:30, 15 Ахсынньы 2008 (UTC)
- Tам все просто, только надо зарегистрировать просьбу в https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/ с точном списком переводов и разработчики изменят через неделю или два. Как изменить логотипу смотрите здесь http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/Logo#Localisation Hugo.arg 12:45, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
- Да, Вы правы. Пока не брался за это, поэтому и пространства имён не переведены, хотя в вики-движке соответствующие переводы сделаны. Хотя как раз сегодня отправил письмо-просьбу техническому админу User:Kyraha. Если знаете как это сделать, подскажите, пожалуйста. А перевод сделаем. Например, участник - кыттааччы, Обсуждение участника - Кыттааччы ырытыыта, Изображение - Image - Ойуу, Шаблон - халыып, Обсуждение шаблона - Халыып ырытыыта. --HalanTul 12:27, 5 Сэтинньи 2008 (UTC)
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Некоторые рутинные повторяющиеся операции можно было бы поручить ботам (роботам). Подробнее о ботах. В Русской википедии есть проект Работа для бота, в котором есть раздел помощи братским проектам Помощь братским проектам. Может быть попросим ботоводов кое-что сделать? Например создать болванки для статей о годах XIX и XX веков, или болванки по статьям "ХХХХ сыллаахха өлбүттэр", "ХХХХ сыллаахха төрөөбүттэр" также по двум-трем последним векам. Позже можно будет и самим заводить ботов. --HalanTul 23:40, 18 От ыйа 2008 (UTC)
- Кыраһа бастакы руобаты оҥорбута. Туох эмит элбэҕи уларытар наада буоллаҕына киниэхэ тахсыҥ: Kyraha. --HalanTul 20:48, 30 Алтынньы 2008 (UTC)
Персоналиялар шаблоннара
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Бааллар дуу? Холобур, музыканнар, суруйааччылар, актёрдар уо. д. а. Суох буоллахтарына оҥорорго көҥүл биэриэххит дуо? Ke5ha93 03:04, 31 Ахсынньы 2009 (UTC)
"Навигационные шаблоны:Единицы измерения" - тылбааһа?
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Көмөлөһүөххүт? Мин санаабар, "Ыйар халыыптар:мээрэйдиир кээмэйдэр". Ke5ha93 03:17, 31 Ахсынньы 2009 (UTC)
- Бу манна - Халыып:Байтарынан кээмэйдээһин. Ити шаблону эмиэ сорох сыыhа тылбааhын көннөрүөххэ наада.
Feedback request: VisualEditor's special character inserter
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]I apologize for writing in English. Please translate this message so that all of your editors can read it. Thank you!
Hi everybody, my name is Erica, and I am a Community Liaison at the Wikimedia Foundation. I'm writing to you because the Editing team at WMF wants to know what you think about VisualEditor and its new ⧼visualeditor-specialcharacterinspector-title⧽ tool. This change will affect all users on about 50 Wikipedias, including your Wikipedia. Many editors at these Wikipedias need a special character tool to be able to write articles correctly, which is why we are asking you now.
The new special character inserter tool is available in VisualEditor now. Admins at your wiki can change the contents by following the directions at mediawiki.org.
![Screenshot from VisualEditor that shows the special character inserter](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/63/VisualEditor_special_character_inserter_March_2015.png/800px-VisualEditor_special_character_inserter_March_2015.png)
To test the ⧼visualeditor-specialcharacterinspector-title⧽ tool, please:
- Opt-in to VisualEditor by going to Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures and choosing "VisualEditor". Save your preferences.
- Edit any article or your user page in VisualEditor by clicking on the new "Уларыт" tab at the top of the page. See the mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide for information on how to use VisualEditor.
- Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on Mediawiki.org. The developers would like to know what you think about this new design. It is important that they hear from as many editors as possible. You may leave your comments in any language.
When the special character tool has been refined a little more based on your thoughts, we will offer VisualEditor by default to all editors at this wiki. If you want to help prepare, please read the advice on mediawiki.org.
Thank you, Elitre (WMF) (talk) 18:33, 12 Кулун тутар 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor coming to this wiki
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/VisualEditor-logo.svg/220px-VisualEditor-logo.svg.png)
Hello again. Please excuse the English. I would be grateful if you can translate this message!
VisualEditor is coming to all editors at this Wikipedia on Monday, March 30th. VisualEditor is software that allows people to edit articles without needing to learn wikitext code (like typing [[ to start a link). You don't have to wait until the deployment to test it; you can test VisualEditor right now. To turn it on, select "Beta" in your preferences. Choose "VisualEditor" and click save.
Now, when you press the "Уларыт" button to edit an article, you will get the new VisualEditor software. To use the wikitext editor, you can press "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт". (After the deployment, everyone will automatically have the option to use either VisualEditor or the current wikitext editor.) For more information about how to use VisualEditor, see mw:Help:VisualEditor/User guide.
More information about preparing for VisualEditor is posted here.
- It's easier to add templates if you've added TemplateData instructions to them.
- Please help translate the pages about VisualEditor here and on MediaWiki.org, and its user interface. See VisualEditor TranslationCentral for general information. To translate the user guide, go to the MediaWiki.org page, and select "Перевести эту страницу". Your language should be available from the drop-down menu on the right. Once you've done this, you'll see the document in English side by side with any translation work already done in your language. You can add new translations or change old translations. To translate the user interface, you need to create an account at translatewiki.net. Contact me personally if you need help with that.
- We need your help to improve the software! Please let us know if you find any problems. You can report issues in Phabricator, the new bug tracking system or on the central feedback page on MediaWiki.org. If you notice major issues affecting your project, please leave a note on my talk page. If it's an emergency (like an unexpected bug causing widespread problems), reach out to James Forrester, the Product Manager, at jforrester@wikimedia.org or on IRC in the #mediawiki-visualeditor channel.
Thank you, and happy editing! --Elitre (WMF) (talk) 19:38, 19 Кулун тутар 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor now active here
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/ac/VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Help.svg/170px-VisualEditor_-_Icon_-_Help.svg.png)
Hello again (and again, apologies for using English on this page. Please do translate my message, if you can!).
As some of you have noticed, this Wikipedia now has VisualEditor (VisualEditor or "VE") enabled for all users. There are now two tabs for editing: "Уларыт" and "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт". Click "Уларыт" to use VisualEditor. Click "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт" to edit using wikitext markup.
All edits using VisualEditor will be tagged with "Tag:VisualEditor" in recent changes, watchlists, and page histories. To access the User Guide for VisualEditor, click on the "(?)" icon in VisualEditor's toolbar. If you wish to disable VisualEditor, this can be done under "Editing" in your preferences.
Please report any software "bugs" or errors you find at MediaWiki’s VisualEditor Feedback page. Translations for the user interface and its help guide are still needed: you can learn how to support your community with this and other tasks at this instructions page. Please contact me if you need further help though. Happy editing, User:Elitre (WMF) (talk) 15:09, 30 Кулун тутар 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #2—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![VisualEditor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/VisualEditor-logo.svg/200px-VisualEditor-logo.svg.png)
Did you know?
With Citoid in VisualEditor, you click the 'book with bookmark' icon and paste in the URL for a reliable source:
![Screenshot of Citoid's first dialog](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/e/ea/Citoid_in_VisualEditor_Screen_Shot_2015-04-02.png/230px-Citoid_in_VisualEditor_Screen_Shot_2015-04-02.png)
Citoid looks up the source for you and returns the citation results. Click the green "Insert" button to accept its results and add them to the article:
![Screenshot of Citoid's initial results](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/d7/Citoid_results_in_VisualEditor_Screen_Shot_2015-04-02.png/230px-Citoid_results_in_VisualEditor_Screen_Shot_2015-04-02.png)
After inserting the citation, you can change it. Select the reference, and click the "Edit" button in the context menu to make changes.
The user guide has more information about how to use VisualEditor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has fixed many bugs and worked on VisualEditor's performance, the Citoid reference service, and support for languages with complex input requirements. Status reports are posted on Mediawiki.org. The worklist for April through June is available in Phabricator.
The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, each Wednesday at 11:00 (noon) PDT (18:00 UTC). You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q4 blocker. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the Editing team's Q4 blocker project with the bug. Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:Talk:VisualEditor/Portal.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]VisualEditor is now substantially faster. In many cases, opening the page in VisualEditor is now faster than opening it in the wikitext editor. The new system has improved the code speed by 37% and network speed by almost 40%.
The Editing team is slowly adding auto-fill features for citations. This is currently available only at the French, Italian, and English Wikipedias. The Citoid service takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. After creating it, you will be able to change or add information to the citation, in the same way that you edit any other pre-existing citation in VisualEditor. Support for ISBNs, PMIDs, and other identifiers is planned. Later, editors will be able to improve precision and reduce the need for manual corrections by contributing to the Citoid service's definitions for each website.
Citoid requires good TemplateData for your citation templates. If you would like to request this feature for your wiki, please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
The special character inserter has been improved, based upon feedback from active users. After this, VisualEditor was made available to all users of Wikipedias on the Phase 5 list on 30 March. This affected 53 mid-size and smaller Wikipedias, including Afrikaans, Azerbaijani, Breton, Kyrgyz, Macedonian, Mongolian, Tatar, and Welsh.
Work continues to support languages with complex requirements, such as Korean and Japanese. These languages use input method editors ("IMEs”). Recent improvements to cursoring, backspace, and delete behavior will simplify typing in VisualEditor for these users.
The design for the image selection process is now using a "masonry fit" model. Images in the search results are displayed at the same height but at variable widths, similar to bricks of different sizes in a masonry wall, or the "packed" mode in image galleries. This style helps you find the right image by making it easier to see more details in images.
You can now drag and drop categories to re-arrange their order of appearance on the page.
The pop-up window that appears when you click on a reference, image, link, or other element, is called the "context menu". It now displays additional useful information, such as the destination of the link or the image's filename. The team has also added an explicit "Edit" button in the context menu, which helps new editors open the tool to change the item.
Invisible templates are marked by a puzzle piece icon so they can be interacted with. Users also will be able to see and edit HTML anchors now in section headings.
Users of the TemplateData GUI editor can now set a string as an optional text for the 'deprecated' property in addition to boolean value, which lets you tell users of the template what they should do instead. (T90734)
Looking ahead
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The special character inserter in VisualEditor will soon use the same special character list as the wikitext editor. Admins at each wiki will also have the option of creating a custom section for frequently used characters at the top of the list. Instructions for customizing the list will be posted at mediawiki.org.
The team is discussing a test of VisualEditor with new users at the English Wikipedia, to see whether they have met their goals of making VisualEditor suitable for those editors. The timing is unknown, but might be relatively soon. (T90666)
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- Can you translate from English into any other language? Please check this list to see whether more interface translations are needed for your language. Contact us to get an account if you want to help!
- The design research team wants to see how real editors work. Please sign up for their research program.
- File requests for language-appropriate "Модьу" and "Иҥнэри" icons for the character formatting menu in Phabricator.
Subscribe, unsubscribe or change the page where this newsletter is delivered at Meta. If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
19:48, 10 Муус устар 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #3—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![VisualEditor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/VisualEditor-logo.svg/200px-VisualEditor-logo.svg.png)
Did you know?
When you click on a link to an article, you now see more information:
![Screenshot showing the link tool's context menu](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/VisualEditor-context_menu-link_tool.png/230px-VisualEditor-context_menu-link_tool.png)
The link tool has been re-designed:
![Screenshot of the link inspector](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f1/VisualEditor_link_tool_2015.png/230px-VisualEditor_link_tool_2015.png)
There are separate tabs for linking to internal and external pages.
The user guide has more information about how to use VisualEditor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has created new interfaces for the link and citation tools and fixed many bugs and changed some elements of the design. Some of these bugs affected users of VisualEditor on mobile devices. Status reports are posted on mediawiki.org. The worklist for April through June is available in Phabricator.
A test of VisualEditor's effect on new editors at the English Wikipedia has just completed the first phase. During this test, half of newly registered editors had VisualEditor automatically enabled, and half did not. The main goal of the study is to learn which group was more likely to save an edit and to make productive, unreverted edits. Initial results will be posted at Meta later this month.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Auto-fill features for citations are available at a few Wikipedias through the citoid service. Citoid takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. If Citoid is enabled on your wiki, then the design of the citation workflow changed during May. All citations are now created inside a single tool. Inside that tool, choose the tab you want (⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-auto⧽, ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-manual⧽, or ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-reuse⧽). The cite button is now labeled with the word "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽" rather than a book icon, and the autofill citation dialog now has a more meaningful label, "⧼Citoid-citeFromIDDialog-lookup-button⧽", for the submit button.
The link tool has been redesigned based on feedback from Wikipedia editors and user testing. It now has two separate sections: one for links to articles and one for external links. When you select a link, its pop-up context menu shows the name of the linked page, a thumbnail image from the linked page, Wikidata's description, and appropriate icons for disambiguation pages, redirect pages and empty pages (where applicable). Search results have been reduced to the first five pages. Several bugs were fixed, including a dark highlight that appeared over the first match in the link inspector. (T98085)
The special character inserter in VisualEditor now uses the same special character list as the wikitext editor. Admins at each wiki can also create a custom section for frequently used characters at the top of the list. Please read the instructions for customizing the list at mediawiki.org. Also, there is now a tooltip to describing each character in the special character inserter. (T70425)
Several improvements have been made to templates. When you search for a template to insert, the list of results now contains descriptions of the templates. The parameter list inside the template dialog now remains open after inserting a parameter from the list, so that users don’t need to click on "⧼visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param⧽" each time they want to add another parameter. (T95696) The team added a new property for TemplateData, "Пример", for template parameters. This optional, translatable property will show up when there is text describing how to use that parameter. (T53049)
The design of the main toolbar and several other elements have changed slightly, to be consistent with the MediaWiki theme. In the Vector skin, individual items in the menu are separated visually by pale gray bars. Buttons and menus on the toolbar can now contain both an icon and a text label, rather than just one or the other. This new design feature is being used for the cite button on wikis where the Citoid service is enabled.
The team has released a long-desired improvement to the handling of non-existent images. If a non-existent image is linked in an article, then it is now visible in VisualEditor and can be selected, edited, replaced, or removed.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Wednesday at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q4 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the VisualEditor Q4 blocker project with the bug.
- If your Wikivoyage, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, or other community wants to have VisualEditor made available by default to contributors, then please contact James Forrester.
- If you would like to request the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki, please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
- The team is planning the second VisualEditor-related "translathon" for July. Please follow this task on Phabricator for details and updates! Announcements will follow in due course.
Subscribe, unsubscribe or change the page where this newsletter is delivered at Meta. If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
10:44, 13 Бэс ыйын 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #3—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![VisualEditor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/VisualEditor-logo.svg/200px-VisualEditor-logo.svg.png)
Did you know?
When you click on a link to an article, you now see more information:
![Screenshot showing the link tool's context menu](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/ff/VisualEditor-context_menu-link_tool.png/230px-VisualEditor-context_menu-link_tool.png)
The link tool has been re-designed:
![Screenshot of the link inspector](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f1/VisualEditor_link_tool_2015.png/230px-VisualEditor_link_tool_2015.png)
There are separate tabs for linking to internal and external pages.
The user guide has more information about how to use VisualEditor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has created new interfaces for the link and citation tools and fixed many bugs and changed some elements of the design. Some of these bugs affected users of VisualEditor on mobile devices. Status reports are posted on mediawiki.org. The worklist for April through June is available in Phabricator.
A test of VisualEditor's effect on new editors at the English Wikipedia has just completed the first phase. During this test, half of newly registered editors had VisualEditor automatically enabled, and half did not. The main goal of the study is to learn which group was more likely to save an edit and to make productive, unreverted edits. Initial results will be posted at Meta later this month.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Auto-fill features for citations are available at a few Wikipedias through the citoid service. Citoid takes a URL or DOI for a reliable source, and returns a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. If Citoid is enabled on your wiki, then the design of the citation workflow changed during May. All citations are now created inside a single tool. Inside that tool, choose the tab you want (⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-auto⧽, ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-manual⧽, or ⧼citoid-citeFromIDDialog-mode-reuse⧽). The cite button is now labeled with the word "⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽" rather than a book icon, and the autofill citation dialog now has a more meaningful label, "⧼Citoid-citeFromIDDialog-lookup-button⧽", for the submit button.
The link tool has been redesigned based on feedback from Wikipedia editors and user testing. It now has two separate sections: one for links to articles and one for external links. When you select a link, its pop-up context menu shows the name of the linked page, a thumbnail image from the linked page, Wikidata's description, and appropriate icons for disambiguation pages, redirect pages and empty pages (where applicable). Search results have been reduced to the first five pages. Several bugs were fixed, including a dark highlight that appeared over the first match in the link inspector. (T98085)
The special character inserter in VisualEditor now uses the same special character list as the wikitext editor. Admins at each wiki can also create a custom section for frequently used characters at the top of the list. Please read the instructions for customizing the list at mediawiki.org. Also, there is now a tooltip to describing each character in the special character inserter. (T70425)
Several improvements have been made to templates. When you search for a template to insert, the list of results now contains descriptions of the templates. The parameter list inside the template dialog now remains open after inserting a parameter from the list, so that users don’t need to click on "⧼visualeditor-dialog-transclusion-add-param⧽" each time they want to add another parameter. (T95696) The team added a new property for TemplateData, "Пример", for template parameters. This optional, translatable property will show up when there is text describing how to use that parameter. (T53049)
The design of the main toolbar and several other elements have changed slightly, to be consistent with the MediaWiki theme. In the Vector skin, individual items in the menu are separated visually by pale gray bars. Buttons and menus on the toolbar can now contain both an icon and a text label, rather than just one or the other. This new design feature is being used for the cite button on wikis where the Citoid service is enabled.
The team has released a long-desired improvement to the handling of non-existent images. If a non-existent image is linked in an article, then it is now visible in VisualEditor and can be selected, edited, replaced, or removed.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Wednesday at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q4 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the VisualEditor Q4 blocker project with the bug.
- If your Wikivoyage, Wikibooks, Wikiversity, or other community wants to have VisualEditor made available by default to contributors, then please contact James Forrester.
- If you would like to request the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki, please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
- The team is planning the second VisualEditor-related "translathon" for July. Please follow this task on Phabricator for details and updates! Announcements will follow in due course.
Subscribe, unsubscribe or change the page where this newsletter is delivered at Meta. If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
12:10, 13 Бэс ыйын 2015 (UTC)
Please join the 2nd edition of the VisualEditor Translathon
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2b/VisualEditor-logo-pacifico.svg/200px-VisualEditor-logo-pacifico.svg.png)
I'm pleased to announce the 2nd edition of the VisualEditor Translathon.
It is a translation rally, focused on interface messages and help pages related to VisualEditor. In order to participate, you need to sign up on the Translathon page on TranslateWiki.
The top 3 contributors will each win a Wikipedia t-shirt of their choice from the Wikipedia store[1]. Translations made between July 15th and July 19th (CDT time zone) qualify[2].
If you are at Wikimania Mexico this year, you are also welcome to join a related sprint during the hackathon in Workplace 1 - Don Américo, Thursday 16 July at 4pm (CDT) at the conference venue, so you can meet other fellow translators and get support if you need some.
Interface messages have the priority. You will need to create an account at translatewiki.net in order to work on them, if you don't have one. It is recommended to create the account ASAP, so that it can be confirmed in time.
You can also help translate documentation pages about VisualEditor on mediawiki.org. You can use your Wikipedia account to work there.
You will find instructions, links and other details on the Translathon page.
Thanks for your attention, and happy translating!
Elitre (WMF) 20:56, 13 От ыйын 2015 (UTC)
- Бириистэрэ киһи күлүөх курдук. Аан дойдутааҕы күрэскэ үс футболка ;) --HalanTul (ырытыы) 02:23, 14 От ыйын 2015 (UTC)
- CDT - Central Daylight Time. Ити кэм кура, сыыспат буоллахпына, биһиэниттэн 15 чаас хойутуур (Мехико кэмэ). Ол аата күрэскэ кыттар дьон Дьокуускай кэминэн күнүс 3 чаас кэннэ тылбаастыахтаахтар. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 02:31, 14 От ыйын 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #4—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
You can add quotations marks before and after a title or phrase with a single click.
Select the relevant text. Find the correct quotations marks in the special character inserter tool (marked as Ω in the toolbar).
![Screenshot showing the special character tool, selected text, and the special character that will be inserted](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_2.png/230px-VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_2.png)
Click the button. VisualEditor will add the quotation marks on either side of the text you selected.
![Screenshot showing the special character tool and the same text after the special character has been inserted](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_3.png/230px-VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_3.png)
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use VisualEditor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team have been working on mobile phone support. They have fixed many bugs and improved language support. They post weekly status reports on mediawiki.org. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving language support and functionality on mobile devices.
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The team attended Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. There they participated in the Hackathon and met with individuals and groups of users. They also made several presentations about VisualEditor and the future of editing.
Following Wikimania, we announced winners for the VisualEditor 2015 Translathon. Our thanks and congratulations to users Halan-tul, Renessaince, जनक राज भट्ट (Janak Bhatta), Vahe Gharakhanyan, Warrakkk, and Eduardogobi.
For interface messages (translated at translatewiki.net), we saw the initiative affecting 42 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 56.5% before the translathon, and 78.2% after (+21.7%). In particular, Sakha improved from 12.2% to 94.2%; Brazilian Portuguese went from 50.6% to 100%; Taraškievica went from 44.9% to 85.3%; Doteli went from 1.3% to 41.2%. Also, while 1.7% of the messages were outdated across all languages before the translathon, the percentage dropped to 0.8% afterwards (-0.9%).
For documentation messages (on mediawiki.org), we saw the initiative affecting 24 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 26.6% before translathon, and 46.9% after (+20.3%). There were particularly notable achievements for three languages. Armenian improved from 1% to 99%; Swedish, from 21% to 99%, and Brazilian Portuguese, from 34% to 83%. Outdated translations across all languages were reduced from 8.4% before translathon to 4.8% afterwards (-3.6%).
We published some graphs showing the effect of the event on the Translathon page. We thank the translators for participating and the translatewiki.net staff for facilitating this initiative.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Auto-fill features for citations can be enabled on each Wikipedia. The tool uses the citoid service to convert a URL or DOI into a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. You can see an animated GIF of the quick, simple process at mediawiki.org. So far, about a dozen Wikipedias have enabled the auto-citation tool. To enable it for your wiki, follow the instructions at mediawiki.org.
Your wiki can customize the first section of the special character inserter in VisualEditor. Please follow the instructions at mediawiki.org to put the characters you want at the top. In other changes, if you need to fill in a CAPTCHA and get it wrong, then you can click to get a new one to complete. VisualEditor can now display and edit Vega-based graphs. If you use the Monobook skin, VisualEditor's appearance is now more consistent with other software.
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The team will be changing the appearance of selected links inside VisualEditor. The purpose is to make it easy to see whether your cursor is inside or outside the link. When you select a link, the link label (the words shown on the page) will be enclosed in a faint box. If you place your cursor inside the box, then your changes to the link label will be part of the link. If you place your cursor outside the box, then it will not. This will make it easy to know when new characters will be added to the link and when they will not.
On the English Wikipedia, 10% of newly created accounts are now offered both the visual and the wikitext editors. A recent controlled trial showed no significant difference in survival or productivity for new users in the short term. New users with access to VisualEditor were very slightly less likely to produce results that needed reverting. You can learn more about this by watching a video of the July 2015 Wikimedia Research Showcase. The proportion of new accounts with access to both editing environments will be gradually increased over time. Eventually all new users have the choice between the two editing environments.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback. This feedback page is now using Flow instead of LiquidThreads.
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at mediawiki.org if you can help.
- If your wiki would like VisualEditor enabled on another namespace, you can file a request in Phabricator. Please include a link to a community discussion about the requested change.
- Please file requests for language-appropriate "Модьу" and "Иҥнэри" icons for the styling menu in Phabricator.
- The design research team wants to see how real editors work. Please sign up for their research program.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Tuesdays at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q1 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the main VisualEditor project with the bug.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
—Elitre (WMF), 22:28, 14 Атырдьах ыйын 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #4—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
You can add quotations marks before and after a title or phrase with a single click.
Select the relevant text. Find the correct quotations marks in the special character inserter tool (marked as Ω in the toolbar).
![Screenshot showing the special character tool, selected text, and the special character that will be inserted](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c8/VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_2.png/230px-VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_2.png)
Click the button. VisualEditor will add the quotation marks on either side of the text you selected.
![Screenshot showing the special character tool and the same text after the special character has been inserted](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/c/c6/VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_3.png/230px-VisualEditor_Special_character_inserter_quotation_3.png)
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use VisualEditor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team have been working on mobile phone support. They have fixed many bugs and improved language support. They post weekly status reports on mediawiki.org. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving language support and functionality on mobile devices.
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The team attended Wikimania 2015 in Mexico City. There they participated in the Hackathon and met with individuals and groups of users. They also made several presentations about VisualEditor and the future of editing.
Following Wikimania, we announced winners for the VisualEditor 2015 Translathon. Our thanks and congratulations to users Halan-tul, Renessaince, जनक राज भट्ट (Janak Bhatta), Vahe Gharakhanyan, Warrakkk, and Eduardogobi.
For interface messages (translated at translatewiki.net), we saw the initiative affecting 42 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 56.5% before the translathon, and 78.2% after (+21.7%). In particular, Sakha improved from 12.2% to 94.2%; Brazilian Portuguese went from 50.6% to 100%; Taraškievica went from 44.9% to 85.3%; Doteli went from 1.3% to 41.2%. Also, while 1.7% of the messages were outdated across all languages before the translathon, the percentage dropped to 0.8% afterwards (-0.9%).
For documentation messages (on mediawiki.org), we saw the initiative affecting 24 languages. The average progress in translations across all languages was 26.6% before translathon, and 46.9% after (+20.3%). There were particularly notable achievements for three languages. Armenian improved from 1% to 99%; Swedish, from 21% to 99%, and Brazilian Portuguese, from 34% to 83%. Outdated translations across all languages were reduced from 8.4% before translathon to 4.8% afterwards (-3.6%).
We published some graphs showing the effect of the event on the Translathon page. We thank the translators for participating and the translatewiki.net staff for facilitating this initiative.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Auto-fill features for citations can be enabled on each Wikipedia. The tool uses the citoid service to convert a URL or DOI into a pre-filled, pre-formatted bibliographic citation. You can see an animated GIF of the quick, simple process at mediawiki.org. So far, about a dozen Wikipedias have enabled the auto-citation tool. To enable it for your wiki, follow the instructions at mediawiki.org.
Your wiki can customize the first section of the special character inserter in VisualEditor. Please follow the instructions at mediawiki.org to put the characters you want at the top. In other changes, if you need to fill in a CAPTCHA and get it wrong, then you can click to get a new one to complete. VisualEditor can now display and edit Vega-based graphs. If you use the Monobook skin, VisualEditor's appearance is now more consistent with other software.
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The team will be changing the appearance of selected links inside VisualEditor. The purpose is to make it easy to see whether your cursor is inside or outside the link. When you select a link, the link label (the words shown on the page) will be enclosed in a faint box. If you place your cursor inside the box, then your changes to the link label will be part of the link. If you place your cursor outside the box, then it will not. This will make it easy to know when new characters will be added to the link and when they will not.
On the English Wikipedia, 10% of newly created accounts are now offered both the visual and the wikitext editors. A recent controlled trial showed no significant difference in survival or productivity for new users in the short term. New users with access to VisualEditor were very slightly less likely to produce results that needed reverting. You can learn more about this by watching a video of the July 2015 Wikimedia Research Showcase. The proportion of new accounts with access to both editing environments will be gradually increased over time. Eventually all new users have the choice between the two editing environments.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Share your ideas and ask questions at mw:VisualEditor/Feedback. This feedback page is now using Flow instead of LiquidThreads.
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at mediawiki.org if you can help.
- If your wiki would like VisualEditor enabled on another namespace, you can file a request in Phabricator. Please include a link to a community discussion about the requested change.
- Please file requests for language-appropriate "Модьу" and "Иҥнэри" icons for the styling menu in Phabricator.
- The design research team wants to see how real editors work. Please sign up for their research program.
- The weekly task triage meetings continue to be open to volunteers, usually on Tuesdays at 12:00 (noon) PDT (19:00 UTC). Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration as a Q1 blocker, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the main VisualEditor project with the bug.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
—Elitre (WMF), 00:05, 15 Атырдьах ыйын 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #5—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
![Screenshot showing the menu for switching from the wikitext editor to the visual editor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/b1/Switching_edit_modes_to_VisualEditor_on_Mobile_web.png/230px-Switching_edit_modes_to_VisualEditor_on_Mobile_web.png)
Click the pencil icon to open the editor for a page. Inside that, use the gear menu in the upper right corner to "Көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэргэ көһүү".
The editing button will remember which editing environment you used last time, and give you the same one next time. The desktop site will be switching to a system similar to this one in the coming months.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs, added new features, and made some small design changes. They post weekly status reports on mediawiki.org. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for languages like Japanese and Arabic, making it easier to edit on mobile devices, and providing rich-media tools for formulæ, charts, galleries and uploading.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Educational features: The first time ever you use the visual editor, it now draws your attention to the Сигэ and ⧼visualeditor-toolbar-cite-label⧽ tools. When you click on the tools, it explains why you should use them. (T108620) Alongside this, the welcome message for new users has been simplified to make editing more welcoming. (T112354) More in-software educational features are planned.
Links: It is now easier to understand when you are adding text to a link and when you are typing plain text next to it. (T74108, T91285) The editor now fully supports ISBN, PMID or RFC numbers. (T109498, T110347, T63558) These "magic links" use a custom link editing tool.
Uploads: Registered editors can now upload images and other media to Commons while editing. Click the new tab in the "Ук Миэдьийэ билэ" tool. You will be guided through the process without having to leave your edit. At the end, the image will be inserted. This tool is limited to one file at a time, owned by the user, and licensed under Commons's standard license. For more complex situations, the tool links to more advanced upload tools. You can also drag the image into the editor. This will be available in the wikitext editor later.
Mobile: Previously, the visual editor was available on the mobile Wikipedia site only on tablets. Now, editors can use it on all devices regardless of size if they wish. (T85630) Edit conflicts were previously broken on the mobile website. Edit conflicts can now be resolved in both wikitext and visual editors. (T111894) Sometimes templates and similar items could not be deleted on the mobile website. Selecting them caused the on-screen keyboard to hide with some browsers. Now there is a new "Сот" button, so that these things can be removed if the keyboard hides. (T62110) You can also edit table cells in mobile now.
Rich editing tools: You can now add and edit sheet music in the visual editor. (T112925) There are separate tabs for advanced options, such as MIDI and Ogg audio files. (T114227, T113354) When editing formulæ and other blocks, errors are shown as you edit. It is also possible to edit some types of graphs; adding new ones, and support for new types, will be coming.
On the English Wikipedia, the visual editor is now automatically available to anyone who creates an account. The preference switch was moved to the normal location, under Special:Preferences.
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]You will soon be able to switch from the wikitext to the visual editor after you start editing. (T49779) Previously, you could only switch from the visual editor to the wikitext editor. Bi-directional switching will make possible a single edit tab. (T102398) This project will combine the "Уларыт" and "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт" tabs into a single "Уларыт" tab, similar to the system already used on the mobile website. The "Уларыт" tab will open whichever editing environment you used last time.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Share your ideas and ask questions at VisualEditor/Feedback. This feedback page uses Flow for discussions.
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at What to test if you can help, and report it on Phabricator (Korean - Japanese) or on Wikipedia (Korean - Japanese).
- Local admins can set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki. If you need help, then please post a request in the Citoid project on Phabricator. Include links to the TemplateData for the most important citation templates on your wiki.
- The weekly task triage meetings are open to volunteers. Learn how to join the meetings and how to nominate bugs at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. You do not need to attend the meeting to nominate a bug for consideration, though. Instead, go to Phabricator and "associate" the main VisualEditor project with the bug.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Thank you!
—Elitre (WMF), 18:17, 30 Алтынньы 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #6—2015
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![The visual editor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/VisualEditor-logo.svg/200px-VisualEditor-logo.svg.png)
Did you know?
A new, simpler system for editing will offer a single Edit button. Once the page has opened, you can switch back and forth between visual and wikitext editing.
![Screenshot showing a pop-up dialog for switching from the wikitext editor to the visual editor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6c/VisualEditor_single_edit_tab_preference_dialog.png/223px-VisualEditor_single_edit_tab_preference_dialog.png)
If you prefer having separate edit buttons, then you can set that option in your preferences, either in a pop-up dialog the next time you open the visual editor, or by going to Special:Preferences and choosing the setting that you want:
![Screenshot showing a drop-down menu in Special:Preferences](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/VisualEditor_single_edit_tab_in_preferences_2015-12-18.png/230px-VisualEditor_single_edit_tab_in_preferences_2015-12-18.png)
The current plan is for the default setting to have the Edit button open the editing environment you used most recently.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Since the last newsletter, the visual editor team has fixed many bugs and expanded the mathematics formula tool. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for languages such as Japanese and Arabic, and providing rich-media tools for formulæ, charts, galleries and uploading.
Recent improvements
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]You can switch from the wikitext editor to the visual editor after you start editing. The LaTeX mathematics formula editor has been significantly expanded. (T118616) You can see the formula as you change the LaTeX code. You can click buttons to insert the correct LaTeX code for many symbols.
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The single edit tab project will combine the "Уларыт" and "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт" tabs into a single "Уларыт" tab, like the system already used on the mobile website. (T102398, T58337) Initially, the "Уларыт" tab will open whichever editing environment you used last time. Your last editing choice will be stored as a cookie for logged-out users and as an account preference for logged-in editors. Logged-in editors will be able to set a default editor in the Уларытыы tab of Special:Preferences in the drop-down menu about "Уларытыы эрэсиимэ:".
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at the following Wikipedias in early 2016: Amharic, Buginese, Min Dong, Cree, Manx, Hakka, Armenian, Georgian, Pontic, Serbo-Croatian, Tigrinya, Mingrelian, Zhuang, and Min Nan. (T116523) Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on mediawiki.org. The developers would like to know how well it works. Please tell them what kind of computer, web browser, and keyboard you are using.
In 2016, the feedback pages for the visual editor on many Wikipedias will be redirected to mediawiki.org. (T92661)
Testing opportunities
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Please try the new system for the single edit tab on test2.wikipedia.org. You can edit while logged out to see how it works for logged-out editors, or you can create a separate account to be able to set your account's preferences. Please share your thoughts about the single edit tab system at the feedback topic on mediawiki.org or sign up for formal user research (type "single edit tab" in the question about other areas you're interested in). The new system has not been finalized, and your feedback can affect the outcome. The team particularly wants your thoughts about the options in Special:Preferences. The current choices in Special:Preferences are:
- Бүтэһик эрэдээктэрбин өйдөө,
- Сатанар буоллаҕына куруук көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэри ас,
- Төрүт тиэкиһи уларытар эрэдээктэри куруук арыйар буол, and
- Эрэдээктэрдэри иккиэннэрин көрдөр. (This is the current state for people already using the visual editor. None of these options will be visible if you have disabled the visual editor in your preferences at that wiki.)
- Can you read and type in Korean or Japanese? Language engineer David Chan needs people who know which tools people use to type in some languages. If you speak Japanese or Korean, you can help him test support for these languages. Please see the instructions at What to test if you can help, and report it on Phabricator (Korean - Japanese) or on Wikipedia (Korean - Japanese).
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Махтал!
Elitre (WMF), 00:06, 25 Ахсынньы 2015 (UTC)
VisualEditor News #1—2016
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
![The visual editor](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/1/12/VisualEditor-logo.svg/200px-VisualEditor-logo.svg.png)
Did you know?
Among experienced editors, the visual editor's table editing is one of the most popular features.
![Screenshot showing a pop-up menu for column operations in a table](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8f/VisualEditor_table_menu_move_column.png/230px-VisualEditor_table_menu_move_column.png)
If you select the top of a column or the end of a row, you can quickly insert and remove columns and rows.
Now, you can also rearrange columns and rows. Click "Move before" or "Move after" to swap the column or row with its neighbor.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for Japanese, Korean, Arabic, Indic, and Han scripts, and improving the single edit tab interface.
Recent changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]You can switch from the wikitext editor to the visual editor after you start editing. This function is available to nearly all editors at most wikis except the Wiktionaries and Wikisources.
Many local feedback pages for the visual editor have been redirected to mw:VisualEditor/Feedback.
You can now re-arrange columns and rows in tables, as well as copying a row, column or any other selection of cells and pasting it in a new location.
The formula editor has two options: you can choose "Quick edit" to see and change only the LaTeX code, or "Edit" to use the full tool. The full tool offers immediate preview and an extensive list of symbols.
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The single edit tab project will combine the "Уларыт" and "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт" tabs into a single "Уларыт" tab. This is similar to the system already used on the mobile website. (T102398) Initially, the "Уларыт" tab will open whichever editing environment you used last time. Your last editing choice will be stored as an account preference for logged-in editors, and as a cookie for logged-out users. Logged-in editors will have these options in the Уларытыы tab of Special:Preferences:
- Бүтэһик эрэдээктэрбин өйдөө,
- Сатанар буоллаҕына куруук көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэри ас,
- Төрүт тиэкиһи уларытар эрэдээктэри куруук арыйар буол, and
- Эрэдээктэрдэри иккиэннэрин көрдөр. (This is the state for people using the visual editor now.)
The visual editor uses the same search engine as Special:Search to find links and files. This search will get better at detecting typos and spelling mistakes soon. These improvements to search will appear in the visual editor as well.
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at most "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next few months. This will affect the following languages, amongst others: Japanese, Korean, Urdu, Persian, Arabic, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Hindi, Bengali, Assamese, Thai, Aramaic.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Please try out the newest version of the single edit tab on test2.wikipedia.org. You may need to restore the default preferences (at the bottom of test2wiki:Special:Preferences) to see the initial prompt for options. Were you able to find a preference setting that will work for your own editing? Did you see the large preferences dialog box when you started editing an article there?
- Can you read and type in Korean, Arabic, Japanese, Indic, or Han scripts? Does typing in these languages feels natural in the visual editor? Language engineer David Chan needs to know. Please see the instructions at mw:VisualEditor/IME Testing#What to test if you can help. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on mediawiki.org.
- Learn how to improve the "automagical" citoid referencing system in the visual editor, by creating Zotero translators for popular sources in your language! Join the Tech Talk about "Automated citations in Wikipedia: Citoid and the technology behind it" with Sebastian Karcher on 29 February 2016.
If you aren't reading this in your favorite language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Махтал!
Elitre (WMF), 21:21, 26 Олунньу 2016 (UTC)
Editing News #2—2016
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
It's quick and easy to insert a references list.
![Screenshot showing a dropdown menu with many items](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8a/VisualEditor_References_List_Insert_Menu-en.png/150px-VisualEditor_References_List_Insert_Menu-en.png)
Place the cursor where you want to display the references list (usually at the bottom of the page). Open the "Ук" menu and click the "Быһаарыылар тиһиктэрэ" icon (three books).
If you are using several groups of references, which is relatively rare, you will have the opportunity to specify the group. If you do that, then only the references that belong to the specified group will be displayed in this list of references. Finally, click "Ук" in the dialog to insert the Быһаарыылар тиһиктэрэ. This list will change as you add more footnotes to the page.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has fixed many bugs. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are improving support for Arabic and Indic scripts, and adapting the visual editor to the needs of the Wikivoyages and Wikisources.
Recent changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The visual editor is now available to all users at most Wikivoyages. It was also enabled for all contributors at the French Wikinews.
The single edit tab feature combines the "Уларыт" and "Биики-тиэкиһи уларыт" tabs into a single "Уларыт" tab. It has been deployed to several Wikipedias, including Hungarian, Polish, English and Japanese Wikipedias, as well as to all Wikivoyages. At these wikis, you can change your settings for this feature in the "Уларытыы" tab of Special:Preferences. The team is now reviewing the feedback and considering ways to improve the design before rolling it out to more people.
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The "Уларытыыны бигэргэтии" button will say "Оҥор". This will affect both the visual and wikitext editing systems. More information is available on Meta.
The visual editor will be offered to all editors at the remaining "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next few months. The developers want to know whether typing in your language feels natural in the visual editor. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on mediawiki.org. This will affect several languages, including: Arabic, Hindi, Thai, Tamil, Marathi, Malayalam, Urdu, Persian, Bengali, Assamese, Aramaic and others.
The team is working with the volunteer developers who power Wikisource to provide the visual editor there, for opt-in testing right now and eventually for all users. (T138966)
The team is working on a modern wikitext editor. It will look like the visual editor, and be able to use the citoid service and other modern tools. This new editing system may become available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices around September 2016. You can read about this project in a general status update on the Wikimedia mailing list.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Do you teach new editors how to use the visual editor? Did you help set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki? Have you written or imported TemplateData for your most important citation templates? Would you be willing to help new editors and small communities with the visual editor? Please sign up for the new VisualEditor Community Taskforce.
- Learn how to improve the "automagical" citoid referencing system in the visual editor, by creating Zotero translators for popular sources in your language! Watch the Tech Talk by Sebastian Karcher for more information.
If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Махтал!
m:User:Elitre (WMF), 17:20, 3 От ыйын 2016 (UTC)
The Wikimedia Developer Summit wants you
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The Wikimedia Developer Summit is the annual meeting to push the evolution of MediaWiki and other technologies supporting the Wikimedia movement. The next edition will be held in San Francisco on January 9–11, 2017.
We welcome all Wikimedia technical contributors, third party developers, and users of MediaWiki and the Wikimedia APIs. We specifically want to increase the participation of volunteer developers and other contributors dealing with extensions, apps, tools, bots, gadgets, and templates.
Important deadlines:
- Monday, October 24: last day to request travel sponsorship. Applying takes less than five minutes.
- Monday, October 31: last day to propose an activity. Bring the topics you care about!
More information: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Developer_Summit
Subscribe to weekly updates: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Topic:Td5wfd70vptn8eu4
MKramer (WMF) (talk) 19:07, 14 Алтынньы 2016 (UTC)Editing News #3—2016
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
![Screenshot showing a dropdown menu with options for editing the table structure](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/93/VisualEditor_table_editing_menu.png/220px-VisualEditor_table_editing_menu.png)
Select a cell in the column or row that you want to move. Click the arrow at the start of that row or column to open the dropdown menu (shown). Choose either "Move before" or "Move after" to move the column, or "Move above" or "Move below" to move the row.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has mainly worked on a new wikitext editor. They have also released some small features and the new map editing tool. Their workboard is available in Phabricator. You can find links to the list of work finished each week at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Their current priorities are fixing bugs, releasing the 2017 wikitext editor as a beta feature, and improving language support.
Recent changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- You can now set text as small or big.[3]
- Invisible templates have been shown as a puzzle icon. Now, the name of the invisible template is displayed next to the puzzle icon.[4] A similar feature will display the first part of hidden HTML comments.[5]
- Categories are displayed at the bottom of each page. If you click on the categories, the dialog for editing categories will open.[6]
- At many wikis, you can now add maps to pages. Go to the Insert menu and choose the "Maps" item. The Discovery department is adding more features to this area, like geoshapes. You can read more at mediawiki.org.[7]
- The "Save" button now says "Save page" when you create a page, and "Save changes" when you change an existing page.[8] In the future, the "Уларытыыны бигэргэтии" button will say "Оҥор". This will affect both the visual and wikitext editing systems. More information is available on Meta.
- Image galleries now use a visual mode for editing. You can see thumbnails of the images, add new files, remove unwanted images, rearrange the images by dragging and dropping, and add captions for each image. Use the "Options" tab to set the gallery's display mode, image sizes, and add a title for the gallery.[9]
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The visual editor will be offered to all editors at the remaining 10 "Phase 6" Wikipedias during the next month. The developers want to know whether typing in your language feels natural in the visual editor. Please post your comments and the language(s) that you tested at the feedback thread on mediawiki.org. This will affect several languages, including Thai, Burmese and Aramaic.
The team is working on a modern wikitext editor. The 2017 wikitext editor will look like the visual editor and be able to use the citoid service and other modern tools. This new editing system may become available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices in October 2016. You can read about this project in a general status update on the Wikimedia mailing list.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Do you teach new editors how to use the visual editor? Did you help set up the Citoid automatic reference feature for your wiki? Have you written or imported TemplateData for your most important citation templates? Would you be willing to help new editors and small communities with the visual editor? Please sign up for the new VisualEditor Community Taskforce.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Махтал!
17:49, 15 Алтынньы 2016 (UTC)
Developer Wishlist Survey: propose your ideas
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]At the Wikimedia Developer Summit, we decided to organize a Developer Wishlist Survey, and here we go:
The Wikimedia technical community seeks input from developers for developers, to create a high-profile list of desired improvements. The scope of the survey includes the MediaWiki platform (core software, APIs, developer environment, enablers for extensions, gadgets, templates, bots, dumps), the Wikimedia server infrastructure, the contribution process, and documentation.
The best part: we want to have the results published by Wednesday, February 15. Yes, in a month, to have a higher chance to influence the Wikimedia Foundation annual plan FY 2017-18.
There's no time to lose. Propose your ideas before the end of January, either by pushing existing tasks in Phabricator or by creating new ones. You can find instructions on the wiki page. Questions and feedback are welcome especially on the related Talk page.
The voting phase is expected to start on February 6 (tentative). Watch this space (or even better, the wiki page) - SSethi_(WMF) January 21st, 2017 3:07 AM (UTC)Developer Wishlist Survey: Vote for Proposals
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Almost two weeks ago, the Technical Collaboration team invited proposals for the first edition of the Developer Wishlist survey!
We collected around 77 proposals that were marked as suitable for the developer wishlist and met the defined scope and criteria. These proposals fall into the following nine categories: Frontend, Backend, Code Contribution (Process, Guidelines), Extensions, Technical Debt, Developer Environment, Documentation, Tools (Phabricator, Gerrit) and Community Engagement.
Voting phase starts now and will run until February 14th, 23:59 UTC. Click here on a category and show support for the proposals you care for most. Use the 'Vote' and 'Endorse' buttons next to a proposal to do so.
What happens next?
Proposals that will gather most votes will be included in the final results which will be published on Wednesday, February 15th. These proposals will also be considered in the Wikimedia Foundation’s annual plan FY 2017-18 - SSethi_(WMF) (talk) 04:41, 6 February 2017 (UTC)
Editing News #1—2017
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Атын тылынан • Элбэх тыллаах сурутууга сурутуу
Уларытыыгын көрүөххүн сөбүн билэҕин дуо?
![Скриншокка ыстатыйаҕа киирбит уратылар көстөллөр. Уларытыы үксэ тиэкиһи формааттааһын курдук бэлиэтэммит.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9e/VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_visual_diff.png/219px-VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_visual_diff.png)
Көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэр көмөтүнэн эбиллибити, сотуллубуту, саҥа сигэлэри уонн формааттааһыны көрүөххүн сөп. Онтон атын уларытыылар, холобура ойуу кээмэйэ уларыйыыта, ойоҕоско көстүөхтэрэ.
![Уларытар тимэх көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэр уонна көннөрү эрэдээктэр ыккардыларыгар көһөрү хааччыйар, манна көрөн уларытыы көстөр.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_toggle_button.png/220px-VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_toggle_button.png)
Холбуур тимэҕи баттаан уратыларын көр.
![Скриншокка биир уларытыы араас эрэдээктэргэ хайдах көстөрө тэҥнэниллэр.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/9/9f/VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_wikitext_diff.png/219px-VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_wikitext_diff.png)
Биики-тиэкис уратыта тиэкис эрэдээктэрин уонна сирэй устуоруйатын курдук. Көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэри туһанарга ыйыыны-кэрдиини ааҕыаххын уонна тылбаастыырга көмөлөһүөххүн сөп.
Since the last newsletter, the VisualEditor Team has spent most of their time supporting the 2017 wikitext editor mode which is available inside the visual editor as a Beta Feature, and adding the new visual diff tool. Кинилэр үлэлэрэ Фабрикаторга көстөр. Нэдиэлэтээҕи үлэлэрин түмүгүн mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings көрүөххэ сөп. Кинилэр быйылгы сүрүн үлэлэрэ алҕаһы көннөрүү буолуоҕа, 2017 сыл тухары beta тургутуу оҥоруохтара уонна тас көрүҥүн тупсарыахтара.
Соторутааҥҥы уларытыылар
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Уларытыы саҥа ньымата бета-тургутуу быһыытынан остуол көмпүүтэрдэригэр оҥоһуллар. 2017 биики-тиэкис эрэдээктэрэ көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэргэ маарынныыр көстүүлээх уонна саҥа кыахтары туһанар. Манна Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-betafeatures көһөн ⧼Visualeditor-preference-newwikitexteditor-label⧽.
- Саҥа көрөн тэҥнээһин тэрилэ көрөн уларытыы эрэсиимигэр көстөр. Көрөн уларытар уонна урукку эрэдээктэрдэр ыккардыларыгар көһүөххүн сөп. Эбии кыахтар кэлин эбиллиэхтэрэ. Салгыы MediaWiki атын компоненнарыгар угуллуон сөп. [10]
- Сноска испииһэгин хас да столбигынан суруйуохха сөп.
<references />
кэтит экрааҥҥа уһун испииһэк аптамаатынан көһөрүллүөн сөп. Бу сносканы көрөрү чэпчэтэр. Бэйэҥ биикиҥ хас да столбигы өйүүрүргэр көрдөбүл ыытыаххын сөп. [11] - Тиэкис хайысхатын талыаххын сөп. Урду эбэтэр иврит тылларынан JavaScript эбэтэр CSS суруйарга туһалыан сөп. Холбуурга Command+Shift+X эбэтэр Control+Shift+X туһаныахха сөп. [12]
- Көрөн уларытар эрэдээктэри уонна биики-тиэкис эрэдээктэрин ыккардыларыгар көһөр утуу-субуу буолла. Түһэн кэлэр талбаҕа иккиэн көстөллөр. Остуол көмпүүтэригэр да, сиэп ҕааддьытыгар да, эрэдээктэри бэйэлэрин истэригэр киллэрэр тэриллэргэ да холбонно. [13]
- The Категорията item has been moved to the top of the Сирэй туруоруулара menu (from clicking on the "hamburger" icon) for quicker access. [14] There is also now a "Templates used on this page" feature there. [15]
- You can now create
tags (sometimes used as<ce>
) for chemical formulas inside the visual editor. [16] - Tables can be set as collapsed or un-collapsed. [17]
- The Анал бэлиэлэр menu now includes characters for Canadian Aboriginal Syllabics and angle quotation marks (‹› and ⟨⟩) . The team thanks the volunteer developer, Tpt. [18]
- A bug caused some section edit conflicts to blank the rest of the page. This has been fixed. The team are sorry for the disruption. [19]
- There is a new keyboard shortcut for citations:
on a PC, orCommand
on a Mac. It is based on the keyboard shortcut for making links, which isControl
respectively. [20]
Future changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- The team is working on a syntax highlighting tool. It will highlight matching pairs of
tags and other types of wikitext syntax. You will be able to turn it on and off. It will first become available in VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode, maybe late in 2017. [21] - The kind of button used to Уларытыах иннинэ көрүү, Уларытыылар, and finish an edit will change in all WMF-supported wikitext editors. The new buttons will use OOjs UI. The buttons will be larger, brighter, and easier to read. The labels will remain the same. You can test the new button by editing a page and adding
to the end of the URL, like this: https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Project:Sandbox?action=edit&ooui=1 The old appearance will no longer be possible, even with local CSS changes. [22] - The outdated 2006 wikitext editor will be removed later this year. It is used by approximately 0.03% of active editors. See a list of editing tools on mediawiki.org if you are uncertain which one you use. [23]
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly, so that we can notify you when the next issue is ready. Махтал!
18:05, 12 Ыам ыйын 2017 (UTC)
New notification when a page is connected to Wikidata
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello all,
(Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык)
The Wikidata development team is about to deploy a new feature on all Wikipedias. It is a new type of notification (via Echo, the notification system you see at the top right of your wiki when you are logged in), that will inform the creator of a page, when this page is connected to a Wikidata item.
You may know that Wikidata provides a centralized system for all the interwikilinks. When a new page is created, it should be connected to the corresponding Wikidata item, by modifying this Wikidata item. With this new notification, editors creating pages will be informed when another editor connects this page to Wikidata.
This feature will be deployed on May 30th on all the Wikipedias, excepting English, French and German. This feature will be disable by default for existing editors, and enabled by default for new editors.
This is the first step of the deployments, the Wikipedias and other Wikimedia projects will follow in the next months.
If you have any question, suggestion, please let me know by pinging me. You can also follow and leave a comment on the Phabricator ticket.
Thanks go to Matěj Suchánek who developed this feature!
Махтал! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) (talk)
Wikidata changes now also appear in enhanced recent changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello, and sorry to write this message in English. You can help translating it.
Starting from today, you will be able to display Wikidata changes in both modes of the recent changes and the watchlist.
Read and translate the full message
Махтал! Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 08:33, 29 Бэс ыйын 2017 (UTC)
(wrong target page? you can fix it here)
- Thank you! Махтал! --HalanTul (ырытыы) 23:32, 30 Бэс ыйын 2017 (UTC)
Improvements coming soon to Recent Changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Rc-beta-tour-welcome-ltr.gif)
Sorry to use English. Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык! Спасибо.
In short: starting on 26 September, New Filters for Edit Review (now in Beta) will become standard on Recent Changes. They provide an array of new tools and an improved interface. If you prefer the current page you will be able to opt out. Learn more about the New Filters.
What is this feature again?
This feature improves Special:RecentChanges and Special:RecentChangesLinked (and soon, Special:Watchlist – see below).
Based on a new design, it adds new features that ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:
- Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations, including filtering by namespace or tagged edits.
- Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring. It helps quick identification of changes that matter to you.
- Bookmarking to keep your favorite configurations of filters ready to be used.
- Quality and Intent Filters - those filters use ORES predictions. They identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need help. They are not available on all wikis.
You can know more about this project by visiting the quick tour help page.
Concerning RecentChanges
Starting on 26 September, New Filters for Edit Review will become standard on Recent Changes. We have decided to do this release because of a long and successful Beta test phase, positive feedback from various users and positive user testing.
Some features will remain as Beta features and will be added later. Learn more about those different features.
If your community has specific concerns about this deployment or internal discussion, it can request to have the deployment to their wikis delayed to October 1, if they have sensible, consistent with the project, actionable, realistic feedback to oppose (at the development team's appreciation).
You will also be able to opt-out this change in your preferences.
Concerning Watchlists
Starting on September 19, the Beta feature will have a new option. Watchlists will have all filters available now on the Beta Recent Changes improvements.
If you have already activated the Beta feature "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽", you have no action to take. If you haven't activated the Beta feature "⧼eri-rcfilters-beta-label⧽" and you want to try the filters on Watchlists, please go to your Beta preferences on September 19.
How to be ready
Please share this announcement!
Do you use Gadgets that change things on your RecentChanges or Watchlist pages, or have you customized them with scripts or CSS? You may have to make some changes to your configuration. Despite the fact that we have tried to take most cases into consideration, some configurations may break. The Beta phase is a great opportunity to have a look at local scripts and gadgets: some of them may be replaced by native features from the Beta feature.
Please ping me if you have questions.
On behalf of the Global Collaboration team, Trizek (WMF) 15:27, 14 Балаҕан ыйын 2017 (UTC)
Global preferences available for testing
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Apologies for writing in English. Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык.
Global preferences, a highly request feature in the 2016 Community Wishlist, is available for testing.
- Read over the help page, it is brief and has screenshots
- Login or register an account on Beta English Wikipedia
- Visit Global Preferences and try enabling and disabling some settings
- Visit some other language and project test wikis such as English Wikivoyage, the Hebrew Wikipedia and test the settings
- Report your findings, experience, bugs, and other observations
Once the team has feedback on design issues, bugs, and other things that might need worked out, the problems will be addressed and global preferences will be sent to the wikis.
Please let me know if you have any questions. Thanks! --Keegan (WMF) (talk) 00:24, 27 Олунньу 2018 (UTC)
- Сөп/ок. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 08:04, 28 Олунньу 2018 (UTC)
Editing News #1—2018
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know that you can now use the visual diff tool on any page?
![Screenshot showing some changes, in the two-column wikitext diff display](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/b/bf/Wikitext_diff_paragraph_move_correcting_vandalism_2018.png/250px-Wikitext_diff_paragraph_move_correcting_vandalism_2018.png)
Sometimes, it is hard to see important changes in a wikitext diff. This screenshot of a wikitext diff (click to enlarge) shows that the paragraphs have been rearranged, but it does not highlight the removal of a word or the addition of a new sentence.
If you enable the Beta Feature for "⧼visualeditor-preference-visualdiffpage-label⧽", you will have a new option. It will give you a new box at the top of every diff page. This box will let you choose either diff system on any edit.
![Toggle button showing visual and wikitext options; visual option is selected](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/a4/VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_toggle_button.png/200px-VisualEditor_visual_diff_tool_-_toggle_button.png)
Click the toggle button to switch between visual and wikitext diffs.
In the visual diff, additions, removals, new links, and formatting changes will be highlighted. Other changes, such as changing the size of an image, are described in notes on the side.
![Screenshot showing the same changes to an article. Most changes are highlighted with text formatting.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/3e/Visual_diff_paragraph_move_correcting_vandalism_2018.png/250px-Visual_diff_paragraph_move_correcting_vandalism_2018.png)
This screenshot shows the same edit as the wikitext diff. The visual diff highlights the removal of one word and the addition of a new sentence.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.
Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has spent most of their time supporting the 2017 wikitext editor mode, which is available inside the visual editor as a Beta Feature, and improving the visual diff tool. Their work board is available in Phabricator. You can find links to the work finished each week at mw:VisualEditor/Weekly triage meetings. Their current priorities are fixing bugs, supporting the 2017 wikitext editor, and improving the visual diff tool.
Recent changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- The 2017 wikitext editor is available as a Beta Feature on desktop devices. It has the same toolbar as the visual editor and can use the citoid service and other modern tools. The team have been comparing the performance of different editing environments. They have studied how long it takes to open the page and start typing. The study uses data for more than one million edits during December and January. Some changes have been made to improve the speed of the 2017 wikitext editor and the visual editor. Recently, the 2017 wikitext editor opened fastest for most edits, and the 2010 WikiEditor was fastest for some edits. More information will be posted at mw:Contributors/Projects/Editing performance.
- The visual diff tool was developed for the visual editor. It is now available to all users of the visual editor and the 2017 wikitext editor. When you review your changes, you can toggle between wikitext and visual diffs. You can also enable the new Beta Feature for "Visual diffs". The Beta Feature lets you use the visual diff tool to view other people's edits on page histories and Special:RecentChanges. [24]
- Wikitext syntax highlighting is available as a Beta Feature for both the 2017 wikitext editor and the 2010 wikitext editor. [25]
- The citoid service automatically translates URLs, DOIs, ISBNs, and PubMed id numbers into wikitext citation templates. It is very popular and useful to editors, although it can be a bit tricky to set up. Your wiki can have this service. Please read the instructions. You can ask the team to help you enable citoid at your wiki.
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- The team will talk about editing tools at an upcoming Wikimedia Foundation metrics and activities meeting.
- Wikibooks, Wikiversity, and other communities may have the visual editor made available by default to contributors. If your community wants this, then please contact Dan Garry.
- The
<references />
block can automatically display long lists of references in columns on wide screens. This makes footnotes easier to read. You can request multi-column support for your wiki. [26] - If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly. We will notify you when the next issue is ready for translation. Махтал!
20:56, 2 Кулун тутар 2018 (UTC)
Notification from edit summary
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Greetings,
The ability to notify other users in edit summaries will be available later this week, on 15 March 2018. Other users can be notified if a link to their user page is provided in an edit summary. Some user-made gadgets and scripts that automatically put user names in edit summaries may need to be changed to put a colon in the link, such as [[:User:Example]]. You can change how you receive these mention notifications in your preferences. This feature was highly requested in the 2017 Community Wishlist survey, and feedback is welcome.
Thanks, happy editing to you. -Keegan (WMF) (talk) 21:09, 12 Кулун тутар 2018 (UTC)
We need your feedback to improve Lua functions
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello,
(I’m sorry for writing in English. Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык)
If you’re regularly using Lua modules, creating and improving some of them, we need your feedback!
The Wikidata development team would like to provide more Lua functions, in order to improve the experience of people who write Lua scripts to reuse Wikidata's data on the Wikimedia projects. Our goals are to help harmonizing the existing modules across the Wikimedia projects, to make coding in Lua easier for the communities, and to improve the performance of the modules.
We would like to know more about your habits, your needs, and what could help you. We have a few questions for you on this page. Note that if you don’t feel comfortable with writing in English, you can answer in your preferred language.
Time to bring embedded maps (‘mapframe’) to most Wikipedias
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Time to bring embedded maps (‘mapframe’) to most Wikipedias
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Mapframe is a feature that enables users to easily display interactive maps right on wiki pages. Currently, most Wikipedias don’t have mapframe. But fifteen Wikipedias, along with all the other Wikimedia projects, are using mapframe today to display maps on thousands of pages.
A little background: over the last few months, the Foundation’s Collaboration team has been working to improve the stability and user experience of the maps service. In addition, a question about long-term support for the maps service was recently settled, and a small team has been assigned for routine maintenance. Given these developments, bringing the benefits of mapframe to Wikipedias that lack the feature seems both safe and supportable. Nine Wikipedias that use a stricter version of Flagged Revisions will not get mapframe in this release.
Maps are a valuable form of visual data that can improve readers’ understanding across a wide range of topics. If you know of any reasons why mapframe shouldn’t be implemented on your Wikipedia, let us know on the project talk page. Unless we hear from you, we plan to release mapframe to most Wikipedias in May, 2018. So, if you foresee an issue, please let us hear from you. Otherwise, happy mapping!
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:38, 24 Муус устар 2018 (UTC)
Wikitext highlighting out of beta
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Wikitext syntax highlighting, also known as CodeMirror, has been moved out of Beta Features and is available in the 2017 Wikitext Editor on all wikis. Syntax highlighting helps you see problems in your wikitext before previewing or publishing text. Please try out the tool if you did not do so while it was being developed, and feedback is welcome. - Keegan (WMF) (talk)
18:55, 4 Ыам ыйын 2018 (UTC)
Improvements coming soon on Watchlists
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/7/70/Rc-beta-tour-welcome-ltr.gif)
Sorry to use English. Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык! Спасибо.
In short: starting on June 18, New Filters for Edit Review (now in Beta) will become standard on Watchlists. They provide an array of new tools and an improved interface. If you prefer the current page you will be able to opt out. Learn more about the New Filters.
What is this feature again?
This feature is used by default on Special:RecentChanges, Special:RecentChangesLinked and as a Beta feature on Special:Watchlist.
Based on a new design, that feature adds new functions to those pages, to ease vandalism tracking and support of newcomers:
- Filtering - filter recent changes with easy-to-use and powerful filters combinations, including filtering by namespace or tagged edits.
- Highlighting - add a colored background to the different changes you are monitoring. It helps quick identification of changes that matter to you.
- Bookmarking to keep your favorite configurations of filters ready to be used.
- Quality and Intent Filters - those filters use ORES predictions. They identify real vandalism or good faith intent contributions that need help. They are not available on all wikis.
You can know more about this project by visiting the quick tour help page.
About the release on Watchlists
Over 70,000 people have activated the New Filters beta, which has been in testing on Watchlist for more than eight months. We feel confident that the features are stable and effective, but if you have thoughts about these tools or the beta graduation, please let us know on the project talk page. In particular, tell us if you know of a special incompatibility or other issue that makes the New Filters problematic on your wiki. We’ll examine the blocker and may delay release on your wiki until the issue can be addressed.
The deployment will start on June 18 or on June 25, depending on the wiki (check the list). After the deployment, you will also be able to opt-out this change directly from the Watchlist page and also in your preferences.
How to be ready?
Please share this announcement!
If you use local Gadgets that change things on your Watchlist pages, or have a customized scripts or CSS, be ready. You may have to make some changes to your configuration. Despite the fact that we have tried to take most cases into consideration, some configurations may break. The Beta phase is a great opportunity to have a look at local scripts and gadgets: some of them may be replaced by native features from the Beta feature.
Please share your questions and comments on the feedback page.
On behalf of the Collaboration team, Trizek (WMF) 13:14, 7 Бэс ыйын 2018 (UTC)
Update on page issues on mobile web
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Update on page issues on mobile web
Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык Hi everyone. The Readers web team has recently begun working on exposing issue templates on the mobile website. Currently, details about issues with page content are generally hidden on the mobile website. This leaves readers unaware of the reliability of the pages they are reading. The goal of this project is to improve awareness of particular issues within an article on the mobile web. We will do this by changing the visual styling of page issues.
So far, we have drafted a proposal on the design and implementation of the project. We were also able to run user testing on the proposed designs. The tests so far have positive results. Here is a quick summary of what we learned:
- The new treatment increases awareness of page issues among participants. This is true particularly when they are in a more evaluative/critical mode.
- Page issues make sense to readers and they understand how they work
- Readers care about page issues and consider them important
- Readers had overwhelmingly positive sentiments towards Wikipedia associated with learning about page issues
Our next step would be to start implementing these changes. We wanted to reach out to you for any concerns, thoughts, and suggestions you might have before beginning development. Please visit the project page where we have more information and mockups of how this may look. Please leave feedback on the talk page.
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 20:58, 12 Бэс ыйын 2018 (UTC)
Consultation on the creation of a separate user group for editing sitewide CSS/JS
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы](Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык)
Hi all,
I'm preparing a change in who can edit sitewide CSS/JS pages. (These are pages like MediaWiki:Common.css
and MediaWiki:Vector.js
which are executed in the browser of all readers and editors.) Currently all administrators are able to edit these pages, which poses a serious and unnecessary security risk. Soon, a dedicated, smaller user group will take over this task. Your community will be able to decide who belongs in this group, so this should mean very little change for you. You can find out more and provide feedback at the consultation page on Meta. If you are involved in maintaining CSS/JS code, or policymaking around adminship requests, please give it a look!
Tgr (talk) 10:50, 9 От ыйын 2018 (UTC) (via global message delivery)
Enabling a helpful feature for Template editors
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello.
The team working on TemplateStyles at the Wikimedia Foundation would like to enable TemplateStyles on this wiki.
TemplateStyles is a feature to allow non-administrators to write and manage CSS styles for templates. It allows contributors who edit templates to separate content and presentation. A good web practice that makes it easier to manage the layout of templates. If you don't edit templates, this will not have any impact on your contributions.
TemplateStyles is useful for a few reasons.
- It makes it possible for templates to work better on mobile.
- It cuts out confusion on where to apply CSS rules.
- Editing CSS is currently limited to administrators, which is a major barrier to participation.
- All stylesheets must be loaded on all pages (whether they actually use the page or not), which wastes bandwidth and makes debugging style rules more difficult.
You can learn more about TemplateStyles on MediaWiki.org. Technical documentation is also available.
This is an optional feature and no one must use it, but template contributors are encouraged to do so! Please discuss and let us know if there are any concerns. If there are no concerns we will proceed to deploy the feature on the 9th of August.
Thank you.
CKoerner (WMF) (talk) 21:28, 6 Атырдьах ыйын 2018 (UTC)
Editing News #2—2018
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?
![Screenshot showing the location of the pencil icon](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/f/f1/Mobile_editing_watchlist_star_editing_pencil.png/250px-Mobile_editing_watchlist_star_editing_pencil.png)
Tap on the pencil icon to start editing. The page will probably open in the wikitext editor.
You will see another pencil icon in the toolbar. Tap on that pencil icon to the switch between visual editing and wikitext editing.
![Toolbar with menu opened](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/a/aa/Visual_editing_mobile_switch_wikitext.png/250px-Visual_editing_mobile_switch_wikitext.png)
Remember to publish your changes when you're done.
You can read and help translate the user guide, which has more information about how to use the visual editor.Since the last newsletter, the Editing Team has wrapped up most of their work on the 2017 wikitext editor and the visual diff tool. The team has begun investigating the needs of editors who use mobile devices. Their work board is available in Phabricator. Their current priorities are fixing bugs and improving mobile editing.
Recent changes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- The Editing team has published an initial report about mobile editing.
- The Editing team has begun a design study of visual editing on the mobile website. New editors have trouble doing basic tasks on a smartphone, such as adding links to Wikipedia articles. You can read the report.
- The Reading team is working on a separate mobile-based contributions project.
- The 2006 wikitext editor is no longer supported. If you used that toolbar, then you will no longer see any toolbar. You may choose another editing tool in your editing preferences, local gadgets, or beta features.
- The Editing team described the history and status of VisualEditor in this recorded public presentation (starting at 29 minutes, 30 seconds).
- The Language team released a new version of Content Translation (CX2) last month, on International Translation Day. It integrates the visual editor to support templates, tables, and images. It also produces better wikitext when the translated article is published. [27]
Let's work together
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- The Editing team wants to improve visual editing on the mobile website. Please read their ideas and tell the team what you think would help editors who use the mobile site.
- The Community Wishlist Survey begins next week.
- If you aren't reading this in your preferred language, then please help us with translations! Subscribe to the Translators mailing list or contact us directly. We will notify you when the next issue is ready for translation. Махтал!
14:17, 2 Сэтинньи 2018 (UTC)
Multilingual Shared Templates and Modules
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]I recently organized a project to share templates and modules between wikis. It allows modules and templates to be “language-neutral”, and store all text translations on Commons. This means that it is enough to copy/paste a template without any changes, and update the translations separately. If someone fixes a bug or adds a new feature in the original module, you can copy/paste it again without any translation work. My bot DiBabelYurikBot can help with copying. This way users can spend more time on content, and less time on updating and copying templates. Please see project page for details and ask questions on talk page.
P.S. I am currently running for the Wikimedia board, focusing on content and support of multi-language communities. If you liked my projects like maps, graphs, or this one, I will be happy to receive your support. (any registered user group can vote). Thank you! --Yurik (🗨️) 06:28, 11 Ыам ыйын 2019 (UTC)Wikidata Bridge: edit Wikidata’s data from Wikipedia infoboxes
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Sorry for writing this message in English - feel free to help us translating it :)
Hello all,
Many language versions of Wikipedia use the content of Wikidata, the centralized knowledge base, to fill out the content of infoboxes. The data is stored in Wikidata and displayed, partially or completely, in the Wikipedia’s language, on the articles. This feature is used by many template editors, but brought several issues that were raised by communities in various places: not being able to edit the data directly from Wikipedia was one of them.
This is the reason why the Wikidata Bridge project started, with the goal of offering a way to Wikipedia editors to edit Wikidata’s data more easily. This will be achieved by an interface, connected to the infobox, that users can access directly from their local wiki.
The project is now at an early stage of development. A lot of user research has been done, and will continue to be done through the different phases of the project. The next steps of development will be achieved by the development team working at Wikimedia Deutschland, starting now until the end of 2019.
In order to make sure that we’re building a tool that is answering editors’ needs, we’re using agile methods in our development process. We don’t start with a fixed idea of the tool we want to deliver: we will build it together with the editors, based on feedback loops that we will regularly organize. The first version will not necessarily have all of the features you want, but it will keep evolving.
Here’s the planned timeline:
- From June to August, we will build the setup and technical groundwork.
- From September to November 2019, we will develop the first version of the feature and publish a test system so you can try it and give feedback.
- Later on, we will test the feature on a few projects, in collaboration with the communities.
- We will first focus on early adopters communities who already implemented a shortcut from their infoboxes to edit Wikidata (for example Russian, Catalan, Basque Wikipedias)
- but we also welcome also communities who volunteer to be part of the first test round.
- Then we will reach some of the big Wikipedias (French, German, English) in order to see if the project scales and to address their potentially different needs.
- Even later, we can consider enabling the feature on all the other projects.
In any case, no deployment or big change will be enforced on the projects without talking to the communities first, and helping the template builders to prepare for the changes they will have to do on the infoboxes’ code.
If you want to get involved, there are several ways to help:
- Read and help translating the documentation pages
- Follow the updates and participate in the first feedback loop
- Talk about it with your local community
More ideas will be added on this page along the way
If you have any questions for the development team, feel free to ask them on the main talk page. You can also ask under this message, but if you expect an answer from me, please make sure to ping me.
Thanks for your attention, Lea Lacroix (WMDE) 13:03, 24 Бэс ыйын 2019 (UTC)
Editing News #1—July 2019
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
Did you know?
Did you know that you can use the visual editor on a mobile device?
Every article has a pencil icon at the top. Tap on the pencil icon to start editing.
Edit Cards
![Toolbar with menu opened](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/6/6f/EditCards-v.20.png/250px-EditCards-v.20.png)
This is what the new Edit Cards for editing links in the mobile visual editor look like. You can try the prototype here: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
Welcome back to the Editing newsletter.
Since the last newsletter, the team has released two new features for the mobile visual editor and has started developing three more. All of this work is part of the team's goal to make editing on mobile web simpler.
Before talking about the team's recent releases, we have a question for you:
Are you willing to try a new way to add and change links?
If you are interested, we would value your input! You can try this new link tool in the mobile visual editor on a separate wiki.
Follow these instructions and share your experience:
Recent releases
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The mobile visual editor is a simpler editing tool, for smartphones and tablets using the mobile site. The Editing team recently launched two new features to improve the mobile visual editor:
- Section editing
- The purpose is to help contributors focus on their edits.
- The team studied this with an A/B test. This test showed that contributors who could use section editing were 1% more likely to publish the edits they started than people with only full-page editing.
- Loading overlay
- The purpose is to smooth the transition between reading and editing.
Section editing and the new loading overlay are now available to everyone using the mobile visual editor.
New and active projects
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]This is a list of our most active projects. Watch these pages to learn about project updates and to share your input on new designs, prototypes and research findings.
- Edit cards: This is a clearer way to add and edit links, citations, images, templates, etc. in articles. You can try this feature now. Go here to see how: 📲 Try Edit Cards.
- Mobile toolbar refresh: This project will learn if contributors are more successful when the editing tools are easier to recognize.
- Mobile visual editor availability: This A/B test asks: Are newer contributors more successful if they use the mobile visual editor? We are collaborating with 20 Wikipedias to answer this question.
- Usability improvements: This project will make the mobile visual editor easier to use. The goal is to let contributors stay focused on editing and to feel more confident in the editing tools.
Looking ahead
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Wikimania: Several members of the Editing Team will be attending Wikimania in August 2019. They will lead a session about mobile editing in the Community Growth space. Talk to the team about how editing can be improved.
- Talk Pages: In the coming months, the Editing Team will begin improving talk pages and communication on the wikis.
Learning more
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The VisualEditor on mobile is a good place to learn more about the projects we are working on. The team wants to talk with you about anything related to editing. If you have something to say or ask, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.
18:32, 23 От ыйын 2019 (UTC)
Editing News #2 – Mobile editing and talk pages
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Inside this newsletter, the Editing team talks about their work on the mobile visual editor, on the new talk pages project, and at Wikimania 2019.
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]What talk page interactions do you remember? Is it a story about how someone helped you to learn something new? Is it a story about how someone helped you get involved in a group? Something else? Whatever your story is, we want to hear it!
Please tell us a story about how you used a talk page. Please share a link to a memorable discussion, or describe it on the talk page for this project. The team wants your examples. These examples will help everyone develop a shared understanding of what this project should support and encourage.
Talk pages project
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The Talk Pages Consultation was a global consultation to define better tools for wiki communication. From February through June 2019, more than 500 volunteers on 20 wikis, across 15 languages and multiple projects, came together with members of the Foundation to create a product direction for a set of discussion tools. The Phase 2 Report of the Talk Page Consultation was published in August. It summarizes the product direction the team has started to work on, which you can read more about here: Talk Page Project project page.
The team needs and wants your help at this early stage. They are starting to develop the first idea. Please add your name to the "Getting involved" section of the project page, if you would like to hear about opportunities to participate.
Mobile visual editor
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The Editing team is trying to make it simpler to edit on mobile devices. The team is changing the visual editor on mobile. If you have something to say about editing on a mobile device, please leave a message at Talk:VisualEditor on mobile.
- On 3 September, the Editing team released version 3 of Edit Cards. Anyone could use the new version in the mobile visual editor.
- There is an updated design on the Edit Card for adding and modifying links. There is also a new, combined workflow for editing a link's display text and target.
- Feedback: You can try the new Edit Cards by opening the mobile visual editor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Edit cards talk page.
- In September, the Editing team updated the mobile visual editor's editing toolbar. Anyone could see these changes in the mobile visual editor.
- One toolbar: All of the editing tools are located in one toolbar. Previously, the toolbar changed when you clicked on different things.
- New navigation: The buttons for moving forward and backward in the edit flow have changed.
- Seamless switching: an improved workflow for switching between the visual and wikitext modes.
- Feedback: You can try the refreshed toolbar by opening the mobile VisualEditor on a smartphone. Please post your feedback on the Toolbar feedback talk page.
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The Editing Team attended Wikimania 2019 in Sweden. They led a session on the mobile visual editor and a session on the new talk pages project. They tested two new features in the mobile visual editor with contributors. You can read more about what the team did and learned in the team's report on Wikimania 2019.
Looking ahead
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]- Talk Pages Project: The team is thinking about the first set of proposed changes. The team will be working with a few communities to pilot those changes. The best way to stay informed is by adding your username to the list on the project page: Getting involved.
- Testing the mobile visual editor as the default: The Editing team plans to post results before the end of the calendar year. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: VisualEditor as mobile default project page.
- Measuring the impact of Edit Cards: This study asks whether the project helped editors add links and citations. The Editing team hopes to share results in November. The best way to stay informed is by adding the project page to your watchlist: Edit Cards project page.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
11:12, 29 Алтынньы 2019 (UTC)
Google Code-In will soon take place again! Mentor tasks to help new contributors!
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hi everybody! Google Code-in (GCI) will soon take place again - a seven week long contest for 13-17 year old students to contribute to free software projects. Tasks should take an experienced contributor about two or three hours and can be of the categories Code, Documentation/Training, Outreach/Research, Quality Assurance, and User Interface/Design. Do you have any Lua, template, gadget/script or similar task that would benefit your wiki? Or maybe some of your tools need better documentation? If so, and you can imagine enjoying mentoring such a task to help a new contributor, please check out mw:Google Code-in/2019 and become a mentor. If you have any questions, feel free to ask at our talk page. Many thanks in advance! --Martin Urbanec 07:28, 5 Сэтинньи 2019 (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #1 – Discussion tools
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![Screenshot showing what the Reply tool looks like](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/30/TalkPages-Reply-v1.0.png/300px-TalkPages-Reply-v1.0.png)
The Editing team has been working on the talk pages project. The goal of the talk pages project is to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily. This project is the result of the Talk pages consultation 2019.
![Reply tool improved with edit tool buttons](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/TalkPages-Reply-v2.0.png/300px-TalkPages-Reply-v2.0.png)
The team is building a new tool for replying to comments now. This early version can sign and indent comments automatically. Please test the new Reply tool.
- On 31 March 2020, the new хоруй tool was offered as a Beta Feature editors at four Wikipedias: Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian. If your community also wants early access to the new tool, contact User:Whatamidoing (WMF).
- The team is planning some upcoming changes. Please review the proposed design and share your thoughts on the talk page. The team will test features such as:
- an easy way to mention another editor ("pinging"),
- a rich-text visual editing option, and
- other features identified through user testing or recommended by editors.
To hear more about Editing Team updates, please add your name to the "Get involved" section of the project page. You can also watch these pages: the main project page, Updates, Replying, and User testing.
– PPelberg (WMF) (talk) & Whatamidoing (WMF) (talk)
19:25, 8 Муус устар 2020 (UTC)
- Thanks for the information! Тупсарар уолдьаста. --HalanTul (ырытыы) 22:18, 8 Муус устар 2020 (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #2
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![Mockup of the new reply feature, showing new editing tools](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/8d/TalkPages-Reply-v2.0.png/400px-TalkPages-Reply-v2.0.png)
This issue of the Editing newsletter includes information the Talk pages project, an effort to help contributors communicate on wiki more easily.
- Reply tool: This is available as a Beta Feature at the four partner wikis (Arabic, Dutch, French, and Hungarian Wikipedias). The Beta Feature is called "Ырытыы сэбэ-сэбиргэлэ". The Beta Feature will get new features soon. The new features include writing comments in a new visual editing mode and pinging other users by typing
. You can test the new features on the Beta Cluster now. Some other wikis will have a chance to try the Beta Feature in the coming months. - New requirements for user signatures: Soon, users will not be able to save invalid custom signatures in Special:Preferences. This will reduce signature spoofing, prevent page corruption, and make new talk page tools more reliable. Most editors will not be affected.
- New discussion tool: The Editing team is beginning work on a simpler process for starting new discussions. You can see the initial design on the project page.
- Research on the use of talk pages: The Editing team worked with the Wikimedia research team to study how talk pages help editors improve articles. We learned that new editors who use talk pages make more edits to the main namespace than new editors who don't use talk pages.
20:33, 17 Бэс ыйын 2020 (UTC)
Editing news 2020 #3
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![A gold star with a blue ribbon, and the text 50m](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b8/50M%402x.png)
Seven years ago this month, the Editing team offered the visual editor to most Wikipedia editors. Since then, editors have achieved many milestones:
- More than 50 million edits have been made using the visual editor on desktop.
- More than 2 million new articles have been created in the visual editor. More than 600,000 of these new articles were created during 2019.
- The visual editor is increasingly popular. The proportion of all edits made using the visual editor has increased every year since its introduction.
- In 2019, 35% of the edits by newcomers (logged-in editors with ≤99 edits) used the visual editor. This percentage has increased every year.
- Almost 5 million edits on the mobile site have been made with the visual editor. Most of these edits have been made since the Editing team started improving the mobile visual editor in 2018.
- On 17 November 2019, the first edit from outer space was made in the mobile visual editor. 🚀 👩🚀
- Editors have made more than 7 million edits in the 2017 wikitext editor, including starting 600,000 new articles in it. The 2017 wikitext editor is VisualEditor's built-in wikitext mode. You can enable it in your preferences.
12:55, 9 От ыйын 2020 (UTC)
Technical maintenance planed
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]A maintenance operation will be performed tomorrow morning UTC time (Wednesday 17th at 07:00 AM UTC).
It will impact all wikis and is supposed to last up to one minute.
During this time, new translations may fail, and Notifications may not be delivered. For more details about the operation and on all impacted services, please check on Phabricator.
A banner will be displayed 30 minutes before the operation.
Thank you, SGrabarczuk (WMF) 17:45, 16 Олунньу 2021 (UTC)
Wikimania 2021: Individual Program Submissions
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/7/7e/Wikimania_logo_with_text_2.svg/200px-Wikimania_logo_with_text_2.svg.png)
Dear all,
Wikimania 2021 will be hosted virtually for the first time in the event's 15-year history. Since there is no in-person host, the event is being organized by a diverse group of Wikimedia volunteers that form the Core Organizing Team (COT) for Wikimania 2021.
Event Program - Individuals or a group of individuals can submit their session proposals to be a part of the program. There will be translation support for sessions provided in a number of languages. See more information here.
Below are some links to guide you through;
Please note that the deadline for submission is 18th June 2021.
Announcements- To keep up to date with the developments around Wikimania, the COT sends out weekly updates. You can view them in the Announcement section here.
Office Hour - If you are left with questions, the COT will be hosting some office hours (in multiple languages), in multiple time-zones, to answer any programming questions that you might have. Details can be found here.
Best regards,
MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 04:18, 16 Бэс ыйын 2021 (UTC)
On behalf of Wikimania 2021 Core Organizing Team
Editing news 2021 #2
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![Junior contributors comment completion rate across all participating Wikipedias](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/4/4f/Reply_Tool_A-B_test_comment_completion.png/296px-Reply_Tool_A-B_test_comment_completion.png)
Earlier this year, the Editing team ran a large study of the Reply Tool. The main goal was to find out whether the Reply Tool helped newer editors communicate on wiki. The second goal was to see whether the comments that newer editors made using the tool needed to be reverted more frequently than comments newer editors made with the existing wikitext page editor.
The key results were:
- Newer editors who had automatic ("default on") access to the Reply tool were more likely to post a comment on a talk page.
- The comments that newer editors made with the Reply Tool were also less likely to be reverted than the comments that newer editors made with page editing.
These results give the Editing team confidence that the tool is helpful.
Looking ahead
The team is planning to make the Reply tool available to everyone as an opt-out preference in the coming months. This has already happened at the Arabic, Czech, and Hungarian Wikipedias.
The next step is to resolve a technical challenge. Then, they will deploy the Reply tool first to the Wikipedias that participated in the study. After that, they will deploy it, in stages, to the other Wikipedias and all WMF-hosted wikis.
You can turn on "Ырытыы сэбэ-сэбиргэлэ" in Beta Features now. After you get the Reply tool, you can change your preferences at any time in Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
14:14, 24 Бэс ыйын 2021 (UTC)
Coolest Tool Award 2021: Call for nominations
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/d/dc/Coolest_Tool_Award_2021_square_logo.svg/191px-Coolest_Tool_Award_2021_square_logo.svg.png)
The third edition of the m:Coolest Tool Award is looking for nominations!
Tools play an essential role for the Wikimedia projects, and so do the many volunteer developers who experiment with new ideas and develop and maintain local and global solutions to support the Wikimedia communities. The Coolest Tool Award aims to recognize and celebrate the coolest tools in a variety of categories.
The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December. Deadline to submit nominations is October 27. More information: m:Coolest Tool Award. Thanks for your recommendations! -- SSethi (WMF) for the 2021 Coolest Tool Academy team 05:56, 19 Алтынньы 2021 (UTC)
Community Wishlist Survey 2022 is coming. Help us!
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The Community Wishlist Survey 2022 starts in less than two weeks (Monday 10 January 2022, 18:00 UTC). We, the team organizing the Survey, need your help.
Only you can make the difference
How many people will hear and read about the Survey in their language? How many will decide to participate? Will there be enough of you to vote for a change you would like to see? It all depends on you, volunteers.
Why are we asking?
- We have improved the documentation. It's friendlier and easier to use. This will mean little if it's only in English.
- Thousands of volunteers haven't participated in the Survey yet. We'd like to improve that, too. Three years ago, 1387 people participated. Last year, there were 1773 of them. We hope that in the upcoming edition, there will be even more. You are better than us in contacting Wikimedians outside of wikis. We have prepared some images to share. More to come.
What is the Community Wishlist Survey?
It's an annual survey that allows contributors to the Wikimedia projects to propose and vote for tools and platform improvements. Long years of experience in editing or technical skills are not required.
Thanks, and be safe and successful in 2022! SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 03:15, 29 Ахсынньы 2021 (UTC)
Save the Date: Coolest Tool Award 2021: this Friday, 17:00 UTC
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]<languages />
Hello all,
The ceremony of the 2021 Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will take place virtually on Friday 14 January 2022, 17:00 UTC.
This award is highlighting software tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects. The ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to our tool developers and maybe discover new tools!
Read more about the livestream and the discussion channels.
Thanks for joining! andre (talk) -08:02, 6 January 2022 (UTC)
Last two days for submitting proposals
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/3/34/Community_Wishlist_Survey_Lamp.svg/150px-Community_Wishlist_Survey_Lamp.svg.png)
Tomorrow is the last day for submitting proposals for the Community Wishlist Survey 2022.
Also, everyone is welcome to translate, promote, and discuss proposals. SGrabarczuk (WMF) (talk) 14:45, 22 Тохсунньу 2022 (UTC)
Rollout of the new audio and video player
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык
Over the next months we will gradually change the audio and video player of Wikis from Kultura to Video.js and with that, the old player won’t be accessible anymore. The new player has been active as a beta feature since May 2017.
The new player has many advantages, including better design, consistent look with the rest of our interface, better compatibility with browsers, ability to work on mobile which means our multimedia will be properly accessible on iPhone, better accessibility and many more.
The old player has been unmaintained for eight years now and is home-brewn (unlike the new player which is a widely used open source project) and uses deprecated and abandoned frameworks such as jQuery UI. Removing the old player’s code also improves performance of the Wikis for anyone visiting any page (by significantly reducing complexity of the dependency graph of our ResourceLoader modules. See this blog post.). The old player has many open bugs that we will be able to close as resolved after this migration.
The new player will solve a lot of old and outstanding issues but also it will have its own bugs. All important ones have been fixed but there will be some small ones to tackle in the future and after the rollout.
What we are asking now is to turn on the beta feature for the new player and let us know about any issues.
You can track the work in T100106 Thank you, Amir 17:59, 17 Олунньу 2022 (UTC)
Editing news 2022 #1
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Read this in another language • Subscription list for this multilingual newsletter
The New topic tool helps editors create new ==Sections== on discussion pages. New editors are more successful with this new tool. You can read the report. Soon, the Editing team will offer this to all editors at the 20 Wikipedias that participated in the test. You will be able to turn it off at Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion.
Whatamidoing (WMF) 18:55, 2 Ыам ыйын 2022 (UTC)
Coolest Tool Award 2022: Call for nominations
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The fourth edition of the Coolest Tool Award welcomes your nominations! What is your favorite Wikimedia related software tool? Please submit your favorite tools by October 12, 2022! The awarded projects will be announced and showcased in a virtual ceremony in December.
MediaWiki message delivery 18:30, 3 Алтынньы 2022 (UTC)
Enabling Section Translation: a new mobile translation experience
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello Sakha Wikipedians!
Apologies as this message is not in your language, Please help translate to your language.
The WMF Language team is pleased to let you know that we will like to enable the Section translation tool in Sakha Wikipedia. For this, our team will love you to read about the tool and test it so you can:
- Give us your feedback
- Ask us questions
- Tell us how to improve it.
Below is background information about Section translation, why we have chosen your community, and how to test it.
Background information
Content Translation has been a successful tool for editors to create content in their language. More than one million articles have been created across all languages since the tool was released in 2015. The Wikimedia Foundation Language team has improved the translation experience further with the Section Translation. The WMF Language team enabled the early version of the tool in February 2021 in Bengali Wikipedia. Through their feedback, the tool was improved and ready for your community to test and provide feedback to make it better.
Section Translation extends the capabilities of Content Translation to support mobile devices. On mobile, the tool will:
- Guide you to translate one section at a time in order to expand existing articles or create new ones.
- Make it easy to transfer knowledge across languages anytime from your mobile device.
Sakha Wikipedia seems an ideal candidate to enjoy this new tool since it has Content Translation tool enabled by default.
We plan to enable the tool in the coming weeks if there are no objections from your community. After it is enabled, we’ll monitor the content created with the tool and process all the feedback. In any case, feel free to raise any concerns or questions you may already have in any of the following formats:
- As a reply to this message
- On the project talk page.
Try the tool
Before the enablement, you can try the current implementation of the tool in our testing instance. Once it is enabled on Sakha Wikipedia, you’ll have access to https://sah.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:ContentTranslation with your mobile device. You can select an article to translate, and machine translation will be provided as a starting point for editors to improve.
Provide feedback
Please provide feedback about Section translation in any of the formats you are most comfortable with. We want to hear about your impressions on:
- The tool
- What you think about our plans to enable it
- Your ideas for improving the tool.
Thanks, and we look forward to your feedback.
UOzurumba (WMF) (ырытыы) 01:34, 17 Сэтинньи 2022 (UTC) On behalf of the WMF Language team
Section Translation tool enabled in Sakha Wikipedia
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello Friends!
The WMF Language team is pleased to let you know that the Section Translation tool is now enabled in Sakha Wikipedia. It means you can translate content one section at a time using your mobile devices with ease.
Now you can also start translating an article on your mobile device right when you notice it is missing in Sakha. From a Wikipedia article in any language, switch languages and search for саха тыла. If the article does not exist, an option to translate it will appear, as shown in the image below.
Content created with the tool will be marked with the “sectiontranslation” tag for the community to review. We’ll monitor the content created, but we are very interested in hearing about your experience using the tool and reviewing the content created with it.
So, enjoy the tool and provide feedback on improving it.
Thank you!
UOzurumba (WMF) (ырытыы) 01:13, 13 Ахсынньы 2022 (UTC)
Join the Coolest Tool Award 2022: Friday, Dec 16th, 17:00 UTC
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]The fourth edition of the Wikimedia Coolest Tool Award will happen online on Friday 16 December 2022 at 17:00 UTC!
This award is highlighting software tools that have been nominated by contributors to the Wikimedia projects. The ceremony will be a nice moment to show appreciation to our tool developers and maybe discover new tools!
Read more about the livestream and the discussion channels.
Thanks for joining! -Komla
MediaWiki message delivery 18:53, 5 Ахсынньы 2022 (UTC)
Editing news 2023 #1
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Прочитайте это на другом языке • Подписной лист на этот многоязычный информационный бюллетень
Этот бюллетень включает два ключевых обновления о работе команды Редактирование:
- Команда редактирования завершит добавление новых возможностей в проект Страницы беседы и развернет его.
- Они начинают новый проект, Проверка редактирования.
Проект разговорных страниц
![Скриншот, показывающий изменения дизайна страницы обсуждения, которые в настоящее время доступны в качестве бета-функций во всех википроектах Викимедиа. Эти функции включают информацию о количестве людей и комментариев в каждом обсуждении.](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/8/80/Page_Frame_Features_on_desktop.png/300px-Page_Frame_Features_on_desktop.png)
Команда редакторов почти закончила первый этап проекта Страницы беседы. Почти все новые функции уже доступны в Бета-версия функции для Ырытыы сэбэ-сэбиргэлэ.
Он показывает информацию об активности обсуждения, например, дату последнего комментария. Вскоре появится новая кнопка "Тиэмэ эбии". Вы сможете отключить их в Special:Preferences#mw-prefsection-editing-discussion. Пожалуйста, скажите им, что вы думаете.
Завершился A/B-тест для Ырытыы сэбэ-сэбиргэлэ на мобильном сайте. Редакторы были более успешны с Ырытыы сэбэ-сэбиргэлэ. Команда редакторов включает эти функции для всех редакторов на мобильном сайте.
Новый проект: Проверка редактирования
Команда редакторов начинает проект помощи новым редакторам Википедии. Он поможет людям выявить некоторые проблемы до того, как они нажмут "Бигэргэт". Первый инструмент будет поощрять людей добавлять ссылки, когда они добавляют новый контент. Пожалуйста, смотрите на этой странице для получения дополнительной информации. Вы можете присоединяйтесь к конференц-звонку по 3 March 2023, чтобы узнать больше.
–Whatamidoing (WMF) (ырытыы) 23:24, 22 Олунньу 2023 (UTC)
Отключено расширение Graph
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Вчера «Фонд Викимедиа» оповестил о том, что в интересах безопасности наших пользователей было отключено расширение Graph. Это означает, что страницы, использовавшие графики, сейчас отображают небольшой пустой блок. Чтобы проинформировать читателей о причине этого, сообщества могут указать короткое сообщение, которое будет отображено читателям вместо графика до разрешения этой проблемы. Сообщение можно определить в каждой вики на странице MediaWiki:Graph-disabled. Сотрудники «Фонда Викимедиа» рассматривают возможные варианты и предполагаемую дату. Подпишитесь на публичную задачу на «Фабрикаторе», чтобы следить за обновлениями: T334940
--MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 17:36, 19 Муус устар 2023 (UTC)
Временные учетные записи для незарегистрированных редакторов
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Прочтите это на вашем языке • Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык • Пожалуйста, сообщите другим пользователям об этих изменениях
![Макет страницы истории, показывающий старый и новый стили имени пользователя. IP-адрес изменяется на временную учетную запись ~2024-23126-086 со значком, указывающим базовый IP-адрес](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/01/MediaWiki_Temporary_accounts_page_history_mockup_2023-09_en.gif/400px-MediaWiki_Temporary_accounts_page_history_mockup_2023-09_en.gif)
В 2024 году редакторы, которые еще не зарегистрировали учетную запись, автоматически начнут использовать временные учетные записи. Эти редакторы иногда называются "IP-редакторами", потому что IP-адрес отображается в истории страниц.
Команда по продуктам доверия и безопасности выступила на Викимании с презентацией об этом изменении. Вы можете посмотреть это на YouTube.
Более подробная информация доступна по адресу м:Редактирование IP: Повышение конфиденциальности и предотвращение злоупотреблений.
SGrabarczuk (WMF) (ырытыы) 02:05, 30 Балаҕан ыйын 2023 (UTC)
Скоро: новая функция подссылки - попробуйте!
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]![](http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/2/2a/Sub-referencing_reuse_visual.png/400px-Sub-referencing_reuse_visual.png)
Hello. For many years, community members have requested an easy way to re-use references with different details. Now, a MediaWiki solution is coming: The new sub-referencing feature will work for wikitext and Visual Editor and will enhance the existing reference system. You can continue to use different ways of referencing, but you will probably encounter sub-references in articles written by other users. More information on the project page.
We want your feedback to make sure this feature works well for you:
- Please try the current state of development on beta wiki and let us know what you think.
- Sign up here to get updates and/or invites to participate in user research activities.
Wikimedia Deutschland’s Technical Wishes team is planning to bring this feature to Wikimedia wikis later this year. We will reach out to creators/maintainers of tools and templates related to references beforehand.
Пожалуйста, помогите нам распространить сообщение. --Johannes Richter (WMDE) (talk) 10:36, 19 August 2024 (UTC)
'Wikidata item' link is moving. Find out where...
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello everyone, a small change will soon be coming to the user-interface of your Wikimedia project. The Wikidata item sitelink currently found under the General section of the Tools sidebar menu will move into the In Other Projects section.
We would like the Wiki communities feedback so please let us know or ask questions on the Discussion page before we enable the change which can take place October 4 2024, circa 15:00 UTC+2.
More information can be found on the project page.
We welcome your feedback and questions.
MediaWiki message delivery (ырытыы) 18:58, 27 Балаҕан ыйын 2024 (UTC)
'Wikidata item' link is moving, finally.
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Hello everyone, I previously wrote on the 27th September to advise that the Wikidata item sitelink will change places in the sidebar menu, moving from the General section into the In Other Projects section. The scheduled rollout date of 04.10.2024 was delayed due to a necessary request for Mobile/MinervaNeue skin. I am happy to inform that the global rollout can now proceed and will occur later today, 22.10.2024 at 15:00 UTC-2. Please let us know if you notice any problems or bugs after this change. There should be no need for null-edits or purging cache for the changes to occur. Kind regards, -Danny Benjafield (WMDE) 11:30, 22 Алтынньы 2024 (UTC)
Proposal to enable the "Contribute" entry point in Sakha Wikipedia
[биики-тиэкиһи уларытыы]Привет Sakha Wikipedians,
Apologies as this message is not in your language. Пожалуйста, помогите перевести на ваш язык.
The WMF Language and Product Localization team proposes enabling an entry point called "Contribute" to your Wikipedia.
The Contribute entry point is based on collaborative work with other product teams in the Wikimedia Foundation on Edit discovery, which validated the entry point as a persistent and constant path that contributors took to discover ways to contribute content in Wikipedia.
Therefore, enabling this entry point in your Wikipedia will help contributors quickly discover available tools and immediately click to start using them. This entry point is designed to be a central point for discovering contribution tools in Sakha Wikipedia.
Who can access it
Once it is enabled in your Wikipedia, newcomers can access the entry point automatically by just logging into their account, click on the User drop-down menu and choose the "Contribute" icon, which takes you to another menu where you will find a self-guided description of what you can do to contribute content, as shown in the image below. An option to "view contributions" is also available to access the list of your contributions.
For experienced contributors, the Contribute icon is not automatically shown in their User drop-down menu. They will still see the "Contributions" option unless they change it to the "Contribute" manually.
This feature is available in four Wikipedia (Albanian, Malayalam, Mongolian, and Tagalog). We have gotten valuable feedback that helped us improve its discoverability. Now, it is ready to be enabled in other Wikis. One major improvement was to make the entry point optional for experienced contributors who still want to have the "Contributions" entry point as default.
We plan to enable it on mobile for Wikis, where the Section translation tool is enabled. In this way, we will provide a main entry point to the mobile translation dashboard, and the exposure can still be limited by targeting only the mobile platform for now. If there are no objections to having the entry point for mobile users from your community, we will enable it by 10th December 2024.
We welcome your feedback and questions in this thread on our proposal to enable it here. Suppose there are no objections, we will deploy the "Contribute" entry point in your Wikipedia.
We look forward to your response soon.
Thank you!
On behalf of the WMF Language and Product Localization team. UOzurumba (WMF) (ырытыы) 04:44, 28 Сэтинньи 2024 (UTC)